Day: January 10, 2025

Student Sports Team Coaching

Hi Student community,

We are looking for STUDENT coaches who would like to share their passion and knowledge with other/younger student athletes.

Monday’s – U12 Volleyball

Wednesday’s – U12/U15 Badminton

Coming soon U12/U15 Basketball 

IF you would like to support the coaching teams, please email or come and see Mr Dutton (ideally Grade 8-11 students)

To be a student sports coach, you must communicate with Mr Dutton before you begin.

WIDA Testing Monday – students out of class

Dear all,

On Monday morning during B1 and B2, the Secondary ELL team will be WIDA testing the following students. This assessment has been organized to reduce impact on teachers as much as possible. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding!


  • Sangmin Lee
  • Jihyo Song
  • Tan Tan (Melody)
  • Ryan Zhu


  • Chuqiao Cheng (Joy)


  • Jiasu Yin (Tony)


  • Yaechan Bae (David)


  • Minseo Kim

Service as Action – Friday 10 January

Service as Action lesson today will be a regular length session during Block 3.

Please use this hour to reflect on your progress across Semester 1 and start to make a plan for the project across Semester 2.



PYP Exhibition Mentor Program

The Grade 5 team is excitedly preparing for PYPx 2024! This year we’re reimagining the concept of “mentors.” Traditionally, a mentor is viewed as a static figure assigned to a student or group for the entire Exhibition process. However, we’re shifting our perspective to see “mentoring” as a dynamic interaction—connecting students with the right person at the right time to address their specific needs, interests or curiosities.

As a result, we are moving away from fixed, pre-assigned mentors. Instead, we encourage students to be risk-takers and explore a more organic, responsive, and personalized approach to mentoring throughout their Exhibition journey. By learning to intentionally and purposefully seek support rather than simply receiving it, we are hoping students will cultivate their ATL skills for growth and independence.

A mentor survey will be sent out before the Chinese New Year break to NIS teachers, parents, and students in grades 8-11.

We look forward to everyone getting involved!

If you have any questions, please contact Tristan, Oskar, Steven or Emmanouil.