Language Acquisition


Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) is the ability to function in everyday situations and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) is the ability to use academic language. Research shows that children immersed in English can develop BICS in 2 years whereas CALP takes between 5 and 7 years. Non-native speakers who have attained a high degree of fluency and accuracy in everyday spoken English do not, in most cases, have the corresponding academic language proficiency.

How many times have you been asked by a parent for advice on how to help their child at home learn English?

Conceptual knowledge in the home language helps to make the input in the second language comprehensible. Asking students to research a topic, or talk about concepts they have learnt at school in their home language can help students gain a better understanding. By understanding the concept in the home language the student only needs to “cope” with the language. In the course of learning a concept/skill in one language s/he can transfer this to the second language.