What you can check from the Public Area Reservation Calendar:
- Whether the public area you try to reserver is free or occupied at the time you plan to use
- All reservations for each day
- If your reservations get approved or recorded by Wendy
- If your reservation has conflicts with others (Indicated in Red color )
What reservations will show up in Public Area Reservation Calendar:
- Public Areas such as PYP/MYP LGR, Board Meeting Room, Cafeteria
- Gym (School time: check with Jo Andrew; After school: check with Danny Clarke)
- Athletic Fields
- Auditorium: Theatre, Black Box, PAC (Sam Brown is in charge)
How you can check the Public Area Reservation Calendar:
- Login to Veracross Teacher Portal
- From “School Reports” list, please find and open “Public Area Reservations” (It will gather all the reservations information for you, so it will take a while to load the whole calendar)
Please let either Wendy Huang or Cindy Kong know if you have any question. Thanks.