Service Awards for G6-10!


We are now accepting student applications and teacher nominations for the Middle School Service Award.

Does the student meet the eligibility criteria?

  • Has the student significantly exceeded the minimum number of Service as Action and Volunteering experiences for the year?
  • Has the studentfully documented service experiences on ManageBac?
  • Has the studentshown evidence of deep reflective thinking and personal growth in line with the required outcomes?
  • Has the studentactively promoted good community relationships & responsible citizenship?

If the answer is YES to all four questions, please apply for an Award.

Who can apply?

  • Students can self-nominate – apply for themselves.
  • Advisory teachers can also nominate students in their advisory.

The application is the same regardless if it is a self-nomination or a teacher nomination.

How to apply?

Simply explain in 300 words or in 3 mins how the student actively promoted good community relationship and responsible citizenship.

The answer can be a written paragraph, video or audio recording.

Please send by the answerl to Ms Anna BEFORE Monday, June 10, 8am.

Good Luck!

Ms Anna

June4MS Service Application 2019.docx