Category: •Parent

Blood Donation Drive at NIS on Tuesday 15th December

Blood Drive at NIS

Donating blood in my opinion is one of the most altruistic gestures you can make. It is completely voluntary, you do not know who will it benefit and statistically is guaranteed to save lives. I have donated blood in all the countries I have lived.
I wish to think with that small gesture I have given back to them for all the wonderful times I have spent in foreign lands.

As part of our new strategic goal of “Bursting the Bubble” with the help of our wonderful Admissions Team, we are organising a Blood Drive at NIS.

The idea is to have a blood donation station on Campus for a day in the hope that all healthy adults can take 30 minutes or so out of their busy schedule to donate blood…and save lives. Chinese authorities have been extremely helpful and will provide the medical personnel for the blood drive.
Not everybody can, particularly if you have been exposed or ill, for example with Hepatitis. Only adults (over 18 years old) can donate blood.

There are some formalities to adhere to, including filling in a detailed questionnaire to check if you qualify to donate blood. If you are interested you can download the form via this link or pick up a hard copy at the Reception in the Centre. Kindly register your interest by sending a message to by Wednesday 9th December.

I hope you can join us on Tuesday, December 15th. Together we can save many lives. More information and a detailed schedule coming soon.

Scrooge Completely Sold Out!

Scrooge is now completely sold out. We still have people requesting tickets. For safety we cannot go over our ticket numbers.

If you have a ticket for either Thursday or Friday which you do not need, please hand back to NIS reception.


Truly Scrumptious

Hello fellow students, teachers and scrumptious food desiring people! Come down to the foyer at break and lunch to raffle and silent auction some scrumptious baked goods, candy or even some savory foods. If any of these make your taste bids buzz, Truly Scrumptious is the place for you!.

Thank You,

Kostya and Sofia

Inter House Basketball Gr 9 – 12 Results


Congratulations to Xuanwu, winners of yesterday’s fiercely competitive basketball competition. All Houses finished on 2 wins each from the competition but Xuanwu’s superior points difference brought them out on top. Taiping took second place whilst current overall leaders Wutaishan could only manage 3rd place.

Xuanwu were also the winners of the PYP Just Dance Competition last week so its been a good few days for them; are they on their way back? Only time will tell!! These are the current scores:

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Next event for MYP/DP is the Spelling competition in Week 17 and for PYP it is the Jump Rope competition next week. Sign up with your House Captains if these are the events for you.

Scrooge! Friday Sold Out!

This year’s MYP/DP Production of Scrooge! will be a promenade performance. This description from the Scottish Arts Council explains what this means:

In Promenade the staging or performance area may be set in various locations in a venue. There may even be no distinction between the area the audience sit or stand in and the space for action. The audience inhabit, not just watch, a space.

Seating will be extremely limited! But you’ll not want to sit down as you are swept into the action and become part of the world the old miser Mr Scrooge inhabits!

Performances: 26 & 27 November, 7:00pm

Tickets available from reception free of charge. 


A handful of tickets remaining for Thursday.

Scrooge Poster final

Scrooge! Get Your Tickets Now

Come and experience this promenade production as you walk through Dickensian London. Stand side by side with the characters as they take you on a ghostly journey in which Scrooge transforms into as they take you on a journey of one man’s transformation from  and soak up the festive atmosphere

Mean hearted businessman Ebenezer Scrooge is known throughout Victorian London for being a miser. He overworks and underpays his clerk, Bob Cratchet, whose little son, Tiny Tim, is crippled and may soon die. On Christmas eve, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his former  business partner, Jacob Marley. He is visited by three spirits and given one final chance to to change his ways and save himself from the grim fate that befell Marley.

This year’s MYP/DP Production will be like no other. Come and experience this unique promenade production as you are transported to Dickensian London. Immerse yourself in festive spirit and stand side by side with the actors as they guide you through the transformation of one man; Ebenezer Scrooge. This mean hearted businessman is known throughout Victorian London for being a miser. On Christmas eve he is visited by his dead business partner and subsequently by 3 spirits who give him one final chance to change his ways and save him from a terrible fate.

26 & 27 November, 7:00pm

Tickets available from reception free of charge. Hurry as they are strictly restricted to 350 per night.Scrooge Poster final

Grade 12 EE Intensive

For the final three weeks before the Extended Essay is due my classroom will be available to all grade 12 students at lunchtime to work on your Extended Essay. This is an open invitation to all of grade 12.

If you would like to come along, please can I ask that you wither bring your lunch with you or you go and get lunch and then come along within the first 15 minutes.

First session is today, Tuesday 17th November.

All welcome.



SCISAC Volleyball starts next week

As the SCISAC Soccer comes to an end this weekend with the tournament here at NIS, we replace it immediately with SCISAC Volleyball. This is for Gr8-9 students (Age 13 or 14 on 1 Sep 2015) and practices will be on Mondays and Wednesdays 3.15 – 4.15 for the girls and Tuesdays and Thursdays 4.20 – 5.50pm for the boys. The tournament will be in Xiamen on 25 – 28 Feb. Sign up now on Veracross and come to the gym on Monday(girls) and Tuesday (boys).

Invention Convention Today

The Invention Convention is Today Tuesday 10th November Block 4 in the MYP LGR.

All of Grade 9 will be telling you how their invention changed the world.

All welcome.

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SCISAC SOCCER : Thu 12 – Sat 14 Nov

This Thursday to Saturday, we will be hosting schools from Macao, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Chongqing and Xiamen for the SCISAC Soccer tournament. This tournament s for Grades 8 – 9 boys and girls. Please see the schedule and other information by going to this link: SCISAC Soccer homepage

Please come and support our teams!!


Inter House Soccer Grade 6 – 8

An outstanding competition yesterday lunchtime with the Grade 6 – 8 Soccer teams battling it out. In the end nothing could separate the teams from Taiping and Wutaishan and so they shared the 1st place points. Congratulations to all teams on some great performances. This leaves the House Shield competition with the following scores:
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