Category: Staff

Moveathon Schedule

Moveathon Schedule (More information will come via your respective heads of school/PE Teacher

Activity Timing: PLEASE bring your students out 5 minutes before the starting time.

Each House will begin at a different sections on the Track (Walkers outside lanes, runners inside)

Track: 25 minutes  

  • Set a personal goal 
  • Complete as many laps as you can  
  • 1 house point per lap / per person IF you are wearing a house shirt

 Tunnel ball: 25 minutes  

  • Students working in house teams 
  • Complete the challenge activity  
  • Points for 1st, 2nd & 3rd  

AFTER completing the activity there will be a PTA sponsored healthy snack to be collected from the PAC Foyer by each homeroom/class as they head back to their classrooms.

Round  Time  MS Grade  PS Grade  Periods 
1  8.10 to 9.00  9 & 10   G1 & G4  G1 Swimming G4 Mandarin  
2  9.15 to 10.05    PreK & K2  EY Homeroom 
3  10.30 to 11.15  6 & 11  G2 & G3 

G2 PA & Counselling  

G3 Homeroom 


11.15 to 12 


7  G5 

G5 Library Overlap  

(10 mins)  

Happy moving!

PE Team and the Health and Wellbeing Service as Action group.

Attendance Today

Good morning,

It is possible that there will be issues with attendance today in the Managebac system. If so, please email with the name of all absent students in your Homeroom or Block One class. Please contact Kasson with questions.

Many thanks!

It’s Here! – Moveathon 2022 – Wednesday 4th May!

On Wednesday May 4th (be with you) all students will participate in our second Moveathon event!
Everyone from PreK – G11 will move around the track for 25 minutes alongside different Grade levels as a community.
As it is a House challenge, make sure to wear your house shirts so that you can contribute to the house spirit and scoring.
This years Moveathon is also supporting two related charities: We Walk With You Parkinson’s foundation (UN Goal #3 – Health and Wellbeing) and the Pechersk School International (UN Goal #16 – Peace and Social Justice).
Students, parents, and staff may participate in this fundraising through an optional donation. Since our students are walking for at least 25 minutes on the day, our suggested amount is 25 RMB. Please scan below if you are interested in supporting these causes.
After the long weeks of online learning, this is a great opportunity for our NIS community to recognise the importance of movement, and feel the spirit of working for a good cause as a whole community!
Thank you in advance for showing your house and community spirit to move in support of 2 wonderful charities.
The Moveathon organising committee.
Schedule will be shared through the Bulletin on Tuesday 3rd May and in PS homerooms.

Evacuation Drill Tomorrow (Thursday) 10:00am

Please be advised that we will have a planned evacuation drill on Thursday, May 5th at 10:00am. We will follow our normal evacuation protocol to the pitch. Please let Mr. Bratton know if you have any questions.

Many thanks!

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is DAY 5… So is Thursday!

A reminder that we will have two Day 5’s in a row this week (Wednesday and Thursday). There will be some Managebac disruption tomorrow (Wednesday). More details regarding attendance procedures to be communicated in tomorrow’s Daily Bulletin. Please let Mr. Bratton know if you have any questions. Thanks!

CIS Guiding Statement “Nest” Last Call

Hello All,

Please pop into the old admissions office in the Library foyer to add your thoughts to three questions regarding our Mission and Strategy as part of our CIS preparatory report. It’s also a great chance to see what our students think about how our guiding statements “live” in their school experience. These ideas will be collated tomorrow (Wednesday) after Break.

Thanks again!


Briefing Today!

Hello All,

We will plan to run our usual Monday briefing today (Tuesday) at the usual time (10:10am) and place.


All-School NAT Testing Schedule TODAY

Hello All,

A reminder of our all-school NAT testing happening in the Drama classroom adjacent to the PAC foyer from 8:40am to 12:00pm.

A link to the class NAT schedule can be found here. Staff should pop in between 8:40am and 12:00pm as we are able. Those bringing classes down are able to test with students. Please let Kasson know if testing during this time is not possible for you.

Many thanks for your continued support and flexibility!