Category: Staff

Grade 10-11 NAT Testing Today

Hello Grade 10 and 11 Students,

Please note that you are up for NAT testing today in the Centre Café.

Please see you timings below and please be prompt. Many thanks!

Grade 10: 9:00am

Grade 11: 9:15am

Grades 5, 8, and 10 MAP Testing Tomorrow (Tuesday)

Hello Grade 8 and 10 Students,

Your Reading MAP test is happening tomorrow (Tuesday) in the large room on the 3rd floor Centre.

Grade 10: 8:00-10:10am 

Grade 8: 10:30-12:30pm

Ps. The MAP schedule for secondary grades can be found here.


Hello Grade 5 Students,

Your MAP testing is happening Tuesday and Wednesday morning in your homeroom classes.

Give it your best!

Ps. The MAP schedule for Primary grades can be found here.


Share Your Cyberbullying Experience

I’m Seven Wei from 5B. For the PYP Exhibition, I am researching cyberbullying. If you have experienced cyberbullying, I would love to hear about it. If you have a personal experience of cyberbullying, please get in touch with my teacher at amandabaumann. She will pass your email on to me. I look forward to hearing from you!

Facility Notice

Dear all,

Monthly Equipment Testing of Evacuation and Lockdown System on this coming Sunday (Apr 24th) 12:00pm~4:00pm.

Please ignore the alarming bell and the flickering blue lights during the period.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Facility Team

Grade 1-3 NAT Testing This Morning

A reminder that Grade 1-3 are scheduled for NAT Testing this morning in the Centre Café

Please see the timings below. Many thanks!

Grade Two: 8:30am

Grade One: 8:45am

Grade Three: 9:00am


SDG 6: Water and Sanitation Group

We are Seoyeon Lee, Jinseok Kim, Hwajun Lee, Sohyun Park, Jinse Kim, Insun Eo, Jinwook Moon, and Juheon Lee in SDG 6: Water and Sanitation Group. On April 25th, we are planning to have a display during lunch time in front of the library. During the display, we are going to give an opportunity to have an experiment on filtering water. In addition, we are also going to play video and make presentations about saving water. If you are interested in these activities, come and have a look at our display!

Student E-Bikes and Scooters On-Campus

An important reminder that only students in Grades 10 and up are able to drive E-Bikes/scooters to/from the NIS campus. Access to campus by younger students driving these vehicles is not permitted.

Also a reminder that all students that choose to ride to school must wear a helmet as well. Safety first! Many thanks for your support.

Staff NAT Testing 1:30pm-2:30pm Today

NAT testing for NIS staff is available in the Centre Café today from 1:30pm-2:20pm. Please note the time change to accommodate the Primary Production. Many thanks.