Category: Staff

Wednesday Block 1 French 8, phase 1-2

Scavenger Hunt/GooseChase

Just a quick heads up that my grade 8 phase 1-2 class (8 students) will be on a “GooseChase” during block 1 on Wednesday. They will be roaming the school following questions and challenges set it French. They will use inside voices and they will walk when inside the buildings. They will not go into any classrooms. They will need to use their phones to complete the tasks but walking and texting is forbidden. There will be a fine of 500 points per team member for walking and texting.

Bonne Chance!

Ms Anna

xFest Tech Rehearsal

The following students are required to attend a tech rehearsal in the Black Box on June 18th during block 2:

Phoebe, Cici, Rachel, Reina, Oscar B, Jisook, Jiyou, Hyun, Jihyun, Jaemin, Yumin, Ethan, Darcy, Noa, Emily, Juno & Ruby. Please bring all equipment / supplies with you and be ready to perform.

Thank you,

Miss Keus

Clubs, Performing Arts, ASAs 2019-2020

We’ve already started planning for 2019-2020!


Which activities would you like to lead next year?  Help us prepare for the new year by expressing your interest in one of the surveys below:


MS/US Performing Arts:

Clubs and Service Experiences:


If you have any questions, please stop by the Activities Office.



Sports coaching vacancies

We have some slots available to join the fabulous NIS sports coaching team either as a Head Coach or an assistant coach/team manager for next school year. Please let me know if you might be interested. No prior experience necessary!!

End of Year Technology Notice – Departing Students and Staff

End-of-Year Technology Notice

As is always the case, many of our families head off to their new homes as we approach the end of the school year. Your NIS IT Department wants to make this segue as care-free as possible. To this end, please note the following important dates for access to various services online. We are also happy to facilitate your transfer of files provided you give us some lead time and book with us in advance. We will also have normal working hours the week after school is out, so we can also plan to assist you then, as well. This is not goodbye, only farewell until we meet again!

Joe, Xia, York, Cindy, Eric, Cassie and Wind


  • Whether you’ve purchased your laptop or are returning it, please make an appointment with us via to have all of the NIS-licensed software removed and an original image restored. This is part of the check-out procedure, so please make an appointment before you leave.
  • We can facilitate the backup of your information during this process as well. You just need to provide us with a hard drive.


  • Leaving Staff and students will have access to their email accounts until 31 July 2019
    • On 1 August these accounts will be disabled (i.e. if you need to access an old email, you can contact
    • On 1 October these accounts will be deleted
  • Graduated students will have access to their accounts until 14 December 2019


  • Student and Teacher Largestorage servers will be erased on 19 July 2019
    • Access for Leaving Staff will be removed after this date


  • Leaving Staff and Students will have access to only the online versions of our Microsoft Office 365 suite (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) from 1 July 2019 until 1 August 2019


  • Leaving Staff roles will change from Faculty to Former Faculty and account privileges will begin to be removed on 24 June 2019


  • Seesaw classes will begin to be archived on 24 June 2019 in order to update the system with the new classes for the first day back.
  • Teachers can view their past archived classes or the past archived posts from any of their current students using the links provided
  • Parents can download student posts before 24 June 2019


Opening of New Corridor

This weekend the walls will come down! Starting Monday, the corridor reconnecting the Library Foyer to the rest of our hallways will be open for use. PS teachers please take time during the extended homeroom time to discuss ways we will:

Be kind; Be safe; and Be ready to help within the new space. It might be a good idea to take a tour together.

There will not be access to the Early Years Center, nor the adjoining facilities. We do hope everyone though will get a chance to enjoy the new corridor, reconnect, and get a glimpse of the fabulous new space.


Update on G10 Social enterprises

Congratulations to our G10 students on the early success of their social enterprises.

Over 5000 rmb was raised for charities and several enterprises retained some of their surplus to be used again in G11.

Thanks also to all the students, parents and staff who supported the G10s through purchasing products or services from them.

Basketball Clinic Thursday After School

[Student Category]

Basketball Clinic! Today (Thursday)! After school!

Join a basketball clinic with Charles Peterson. He’s been playing basketball since he was three years. He played all through high school and university. Next week, when he returns to the USA, he’ll be looking to play professional basketball. Come learn a tip or two or hear how Charles balanced basketball and academics.

Open to boys and girls in grades 6-11.

3.15 – 4.15 pm for students G6- 8

3.15 – 5.15 pm for students G9-11

For more info, please stop by the Athletics Office.

Students: Return your library books!

The following MS/US students need to return library books or speak with me:

Grade 6

Oscar F.

Paige G.

Shelby M.

Baoyi X.

Han Z.


Grade 7

Sophie B.

Kevin L.

Amber O.


Grade 8

Sunny C.

Serene D.

Joshua F.

Donghee K.

Jessica L.

Jason W.

Cici X.


Grade 9

Yejin C.

Yu Min J.

Zhiyuan M.

Jake W.

Edwin Z.

Eason Z.


Grade 10

All library books returned!


Grade 11 – If you need the books for your EE please email me at

Mayvelyn B.

Angela C.

Anthony C.

Maria C.

Winston Z.


Facility Notice on Elevator Inspection of Center Building

Elevator Annual Inspection by government authority will take place in Center Building. Elevator will not be available from 9:30am to 11:30am on June 13th (this Thursday). Pls be well noticed and thank you so much for understanding and cooperation.


Facility Department

Calling Grade 6 students

Are you in Grade 6? If yes…then Grade 5 need your help today. Please come to the LGR at the end of lunchtime (start of block 5) for a short meeting before we head downstairs to the Grade 5 classrooms where you will tell Grade 5 all about Middle School.

See you at 1.50pm.