Category: Staff

PYP Exhibition Schedule

Thank you for Grades 1-8 for coming along to the PYP Exhibition on Friday morning. The schedule is attached. Everyone is welcome at anytime. Please drop in the PAC to ask questions and learn about how our passions can save the world.

PYP Exhibition schedule

Student Council President/ & Vice President Elections

Hello Grade 9, 10 and 11 students! Throughout the whole year many activities and nights have been organized and a lot of that is thanks to the student council. Now, it may be your chance to lead the student council and their activities as the President and Vice President!  If you have a partner in mind please come to the Councilors Office at 1:00 pm on Friday May 22nd for a brief meeting to discuss the process. Come by even if you are little interested, we can answer your questions. If you are running for president, you must have had at least one year of experience in student council. These roles are only for grade 10 and up (current grade 9 and up). For 8s and below, there will be plenty of opportunity to get involved in the new year as grade level reps. The actual elections will take place on Friday June 5th.

Chi-Town Softball Begins today (Thursday)

“Hello again, everybody. It’s a bee-yooo-tiful day for baseball.”-Harry Caray and Mr. Fischl

If you want to come play, please be out on the field at 4:00 today!


New Athletics Day Records MYP/DP

Congratulations to all our new Athletics Day Record Breakers. We had a total of 23 new school records in the MYP/DP Athletics Day. The record breakers were:

Jerry Yang (Long Jump), Woojin Kim (Javelin), Ato Underwood (200m), Takita Lee (400m, High Jump, Shot Put), Ati Underwood (Long Jump), Cade Wilburn (Javelin), Pauline Rogalla (800m), Lena Fuchs (1500m, relay), Meghna Ancha (relay), Gloria Bellini (relay), Marie-Sophie Mende (relay), Jihoon Lim (Shot Put), Sasha Tyoschin (800m), Cameron Young (1500m), Olivier Leclerc (Triple Jump), Johanna Rogalla (Triple Jump), Morgan Trainer (Javelin), Freja Lofqvist (Javelin), Emil Burganov (400m, relay), Aziz Burganov (High Jump, relay), Brydie Dwyer (100m), Michelle Lei (relay), Jaren Jones (relay)

Please check the Athletics noticeboard for all the current records.

Sports Coach and Team Manager opportunities 2015-16

We will have a number of vacancies in the Athletics Program next year for coaches and assistant coach/team managers. These positions are open to all staff & parents. You do not necessarily have to be experienced in sport, a commitment to the students is the most important qualification. One season takes the place of an ASA. If you think you might be interested, please speak to me or email me and we can look at the options available. If you are unsure, talk to one of the many coaches from this year about their experience or come and have a chat with me. All positions come with at least one overnight travel opportunity.

Chi-Town Softball is Coming!

When? 4:00 P.M (not A.M.)

What is it? A type of baseball…but way better. No gloves, no experience necessary, and a whole lot of fun.

Where? On the field

Other info? Nope.


Please Empty Refrigerators

Could you please empty the 4 marked refrigerators by Friday 1pm? They are needed for the Pfrang Gala. Thanks.

EARCOS Rep 2015-17

Dear all,

Please refer to the below message from Laurie.



EARCOS Rep 2015-17

Congratulations to Grace Kang.

Missing Cajon – please help

Good morning,
Did you know that a Cajon is a musical instrument? It looks like the a box – much like a stool, but in fact it is a percussion instrument, also called a drum box. We have 2 cajons in school now: one in Bonnie’s music class, and one that belongs to Rick in one of the LSS classrooms. One of our student’s cajon has gone missing. It is pictured below. It is black, was last seen in a black cajon bag, and measures 28x48x28cm. If you have seen it at school, please let me know.

Thank you,