Category: Staff

Student shadowing

Today I will be shadowing a student in G10 the whole day. That means I am not wearing a tie (yeah!) and for today I am a student in G10. If you see me around please ignore me unless you need to say something to a G10 student 🙂

This idea came from an article written by Grant Wiggins in his blog, and is part of our strategy prototyping. I want to gain  a deeper understanding of our students’ routines and learning experiences. I hope to see our school with a student’s eyes. I will share my day and thoughts at a later date…wish me luck.


Found money

Some money was found in the parking lot last week, along with a receipt from Starbucks.  Please stop by my office if you lost it.  If not claimed, it will be donated to Amy’s fund.



Hello students and teachers,

Jeongah and Suin are selling the walnut pie and the green tea today(Jan 21) and tomorrow (Jan 22) in front of the cafeteria during the break and lunch time. One set is 2 pieces of the walnut pie and a cup of the green tea and it is only 10 kuai. We have special event! Every 20th customers will get one piece of the walnut pie for free! Please, come to us and buy our products!:) Thank you.

Lost money

Yesterday a sum of money was found on the floor outside the library. If you have lost some money please come and see me in room D220.