Category: Student

PYP Boomwhacker Orchestra

We will be having a PYP music performance on Saturday, April 16th and are looking for students in grades 4 & 5 who would like to participate in a boomwhacker orchestra. We need between 8 – 20 students. This would require several lunch-hour practices and perhaps Thursdays after school.

The first practice is Monday during the 2nd half of lunch. If you are interested, please come at 1:20 to the MYP music room and see Miss Keus.

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What time is it?


It’s Game Time!

Today from 1-1:30 (during lunch) Game Day will be held in the Fishbowl across from IT for all grade 6-12 students and any teacher that would like to join in.

See you there!


Sprit Day on Friday 25th March

PYP Student Council is happy to announce the next Spirit Day on March 25:


Wear anything that involves Magic: wizards, witches, magicians, goblins, elves, fairies, unicorns

Only fun and kind tricks

Do you know what I’m looking forward to?


What? A Day of Games including but not limited to Jenga, Spoons, Uno Attack, and many others!

Who? ANYONE Grades 6-12 + Teachers!!

When? Friday during lunch

Where? In the Fishbowl across from the Macquarium

Why? Because it’s Friday Funday!

Jenga Gameface


Grade 4 Helping Swap Update

Please share with your students. The Grade 4s are learning about organising themselves and the importance of clear communication. Any questions, please see Calidore, Saelyn, Su Min or Victoria in Grade 4.

Helping Swap poster

Grade 7 Health IDU

On Wednesday March 16th the Grade 7 students will be exhibiting their IDU between Science, Humanities, Language Arts & Art.  Please come celebrate the students learning by attending the exhibition.
Health and Disease Exhibition
When – Wed. 16th March – 8:30 am – 11:45  am
Where – Library Foyer
Statement of Inquiry – “Systems are not developed upon fairness and choice”
Key Concept – Systems
Related Concept – Connections & Choice
Global Context – Fairness & Development

Grade 9 Life 101

Your Life 101 session will take place in room C136 again today. Would you please all meet there promptly at the start of Block 2?

Grade 7 Health IDU

On Wednesday March 16th the Grade 7 students will be exhibiting their IDU between Science, Humanities, Language Arts & Art.  Please come celebrate the students learning by attending the exhibition.
Health and Disease Exhibition
When – Wed. 16th March – 8:30 am – 11:45  am
Where – Library Foyer
Statement of Inquiry – “Systems are not developed upon fairness and choice”
Key Concept – Systems
Related Concept – Connections & Choice
Global Context – Fairness & Development

Local School English Tutoring C&S for G8-11

The 15 NIS students would went to the Local School last Friday did a great job and the local kids were really pleased that they took the time to come and speak English to them about a range of topics. All 14 boys and 1 girl did well. However, I couldn’t help wondering where all the NIS girls were? It would have been even better if we had more girls so if you are in G8-11 and are female please consider joining the Local School English Tutoring group. We will go to the school again on this Friday. Please email me if you are interested in joining.

Mock Exams G12

Mock exams for G12 start tomorrow and run until March 23. A reminder G12s are off timetable. Please be aware exams will be happening all day in the MYP LGR.

Gr 7 – 9 Girl Basketballers wanted!! Last Call….

The Girls SCISAC squad are still short of a couple of players for their season and their trip to Taiwan. The fee for the trip has been reduced to 3500rmb and if you have not used your subsidy yet this year then the fee will only be 1900rmb – for a 3-night trip to play basketball in Taiwan, this is a great opportunity for you to play against schools from Hong Kong, Macau, Chongqing & Taiwan. If you are interested, please speak to Mr Clarke or Mr Hornell or Ms Dickie. You need to be quick!!

MYP & DP Inter House Trivia Challenge for All this Friday

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On Friday of this week, as part of our Extended Advisory time, all Grade 6 – 11 students will participate in the Inter House Trivia Challenge.  Everyone will be representing their advisory group and their House. More information on the structure will be given soon.

As we also have Inter House Tech Challenge in the afternoon this is going to be a big Inter-House day! Make sure you wear your House shirt and represent your House with pride. If Taiping win both events they can overtake Wutaishan and if Xuanwu win both, they can overtake Taping in the race for the House Shield!!

Grade 4 Helping Swap @ Earth Hour

Here is some further information about the ‘Helping Swap’ activity:

Please bring the items you want to swap to the Library foyer any lunchtime this week (2nd lunch) to get your tickets. At Earth Hour, you will be able to choose your new items-don’t forget your tickets! Thank you.


Genius Day in 4A

Last week I posted a request for mentors to help with Genius Day in 4A. We are still in need of more support. If you missed my message or need a reminder of the types of projects you might see, you can click on my name above to see the post.

Genius day will be from 8:10-9:20 & 10:00-10:40 today.

Thanks for your support.