Primary – Morning Plan

Can all integrators/Mandarin teachers be available in The Centre Lobby this morning from 7.40am to support students in finding their classrooms. We will have class lists printed and available for reference.

EY teachers – please organise amongst yourselves who will meet children out front and who will remain in the campfires.


Primary Pick Up

Lists for student pick up arrangements can be found here. We have several parents update the form since these results were collated. Zoe will update the form throughout the day. We will also distribute a bus list to HR teachers today. Assume that students we do not yet have pick-up information for will be picked up in the classroom. Any students who are not picked up by 3.15, please send to the Primary Office (C128).  G3-5 students cannot leave campus without an adult unless parents have completed the form indicating they have permission to do so.

The Addams Family Auditions Are Open!

Calling all Secondary School performers…the time has come…auditions for this year’s production of The Addams Family will be held during Week 2!

Wednesday 21st August 3:15-5:15 Grades 6-8 in the Music Room

Thursday 22nd August 3:15-5:15 Grades 9-12 in the Music Room

Saturday 24th August 9:00-12:00 callbacks in the PAC (not everyone will be needed)

Sign up with Mr Brown or Ms Philip as soon as possible (find them in the Black Box) to get information on what you will need to do for the audition and to sign up.

Click here for audition extract and song files.

Orientation and Professional Learning Days Feedback

Hi everyone,

We would appreciate if you would take 5-10 minutes to provide feedback on your experience for Orientation and Professional Learning Days. Our hope is that these days are enriching and useful to help you be more prepared for the new school year. Your kind and honest feedback is greatly appreciated. We will use the information to help us reflect and plan for next year.

Many thanks!

Holly & Sandra

Cafeteria Seating

Dear All,

Welcome to the first day of school! As we enjoy the new cafeteria, please note that no chairs/stools can move from their designed table. Have a great day!

SY2425 BTT Rota

Dear All,

Thank you for all your flexibility and support in finalizing the SY2425 BTT ROTA. Day 1 schedule is running today. Thank you and have a great day 1 of the school year!

Director TGIF Sign Up – Aug 23

Dear NIS Family,

You are invited to the Director TGIF event at 4:00pm on Friday, August 23 at Laurie’s house, the sign-up forms are available in staff room till 2:00pm Monday, August 19. Please find attached the address of Laurie’s house and navigation map for your information.

Any queries please feel free to let me know.

Where is IT? (24-25 School Year)

Are you wondering where the amazing NIS IT Support Team is located this school year?

We are currently in the HUB!

1st Floor (Main Support Area)

  • Cindy
  • Wicky
  • Wind
  • Olivia
  • Dr. D.

2nd Floor

  • Shi Xia
  • York

Find out where, watch this short video!

Need support?

  • Come visit us in the HUB!
  • Submit a Ticket
  • Use MS Teams (Urgent Needs Only)

We are here to support you & your students!

Tech Guide (For new and returning staff)

In a bid to make the transition to NIS as smooth as possible, a Tech Guide for New Staff has been created and distributed.

It covers a wide range of tech topics including, Laptop Support Basics, Essential Bookmarks, Key Smartphone Apps, NIS Tech Policies, WeChat Groups and many many others.

The Tech Guide comes in the form of a 45 page Interactive Presentation and can be found here.  It works best when downloaded and opened locally on your laptop, as it will then open in full screen presentation view.

If there are any additions or changes that you feel may further assist staff in their transition to NIS, please let me know.

Cheers,  Ken.


Welcome back! A reminder to all staff about Outlook email signatures

Dear all,

As we start a new school year, please take a look at your email signature. It should be just like the one below:

-You can find the e-signature file in our Sharepoint, as well as a how-to guide here:

-To help keep the brand consistency of NIS, please do not modify the e-signature file except by filling in your text details (no photos, stickers, graphic credentials, etc).

-If you need assistance installing the e-signature, IT will be happy to help in you online or in-person in the HUB.

Best regards,




Please see SY2425 BTT ROTA and individual swaps between colleagues can be arranged by the end of today. Please email for your swap changes. Have a great day!

SY2425 BTT

Dear All,

Welcome to SY2425! This year Scott and I will organize the break time teaching together. Scott will support organizing the Secondary BTT, and I will remain draft and finalize the whole school BTT ROTA.

Coming Up

August 9th(Today): Please look at the BTT ROTA locations and see which fits you best based on your schedule.

August 9th 13:30 (Today)

The shared link will be active at 13:30 after lunch. Staff will be able to sign up for ONE LUNCH BTT ONLY via the shared link based on their schedule. Or if you would like Zhang Bo or Scott to assign you one, just leave it and we will put your name down for you.

Monday, August 12th: The draft BTT Rota will be open to all staff to view, and if you would like to do individual swaps with others, please communicate your swap and inform Zhang Bo.

Tuesday, August 13th   BTT Day 1 schedule starts.