First Reading Group of the Year!

Dear teachers and teaching assistants,

Back by popular demand! Reading Group is meeting September 26 (Thursday) Day 8 at lunch, 1:15 – 1:55, in Lance’s MS counseling office (D248). Come join a discussion around another intriguing article in education research.

This one’s sure to be a doozy: The Scientific Status of Learning Styles Theories (2015)

How to participate:

1. Read the article
2. Show up (bring your lunch)
3. Discuss

Hope to see you then!


Is your ManageBac up to date?

Remember you need one Service as Action experience and one Volunteering experience this semester. So what have you done so far? Have your filled out your MB?


We’ve made things simpler for you in grades 6-9:

In the description box, simply tell us what you DID for the experience and include your SMART goal.

In reflection, simply tell us what you LEARNED and attach a photo (with you in it). This is where you have the chance to explain how you achieved your Learning Outcome and SMART goal.


Need help? You can always ask your awesome Advisory Teacher  or stop by to see me.


HWC- Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?

Great food, no atmosphere.

Do you know where there is a fantastic atmosphere? Homework Club! Homework Club is open to all grade 6-12 students every Monday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:15 in the LSS area. Come work on projects, study, get assignments double-checked, and ask questions if you have them.

See you there!

Community Touch Rugby (Xianlin Warriors)

Good morning one and all,

We  look forward to another great morning of playing, learning and socialising through playing touch rugby.

All NIS community members are welcome from Grade 5 to adults (staff and parents are actively encouraged) to join us on Sunday 15th from 09:30 to 10:45 on the NIS field.

I/we look forward to seeing you out there.


Reading habits survey


If you have not fill in the survey yet, today it is your last chance.

Please remember that Grade 12 DP Spanish students need as much data as possible to complete an assignment.

Your contribution will be very much appreciated.


Printing Presets

Are you tired of getting charged too much for printing color when you really wanted Black and White? Ever wish you could just set the default printing status to what you want? Well, have a look at the following document to see how to do this on your computer courtesy of Mr. York Zha, our Network Admin and Printing specialist.


 alt : Printing Preset How-to.pdf

JSTOR – we now have access!

We now have access to JSTOR (, another great online research database. We don’t need to login or use a password…it uses IP Authentication, so should automatically say “Access provided by Nanjing International School” at the top of the page. 

Student Bus schedule

Dear all,

Please note that the 2nd round Student Bus after school has been adjusted from 4.30pm to 4.35pm.



Grade 9 GCD today

Grade 9 we are ready for more GCD today. Come to the LGR at 1.30, Block 5. You will not be in the Service Learning class with your Advisory but in the LGR wit me.

See you there!

Mrs Clarke