Keep it clean!

Hello MS/US Cafeteria Users,

Can you imagine a world without cheesy pretzels? Life without salami sandwiches? A day without a chocolate croissant? This horrific post-apocalyptic nightmare may be closer than you think if you continue to leave messes like this in the cafeteria at Break. Clean up after yourself and help to remind your friends; simple as that. We are watching.

Ps. The cafeteria is always a tech-free space during the school day. Thanks!

Life 101 7C

Life 101 for 7C will be held in room D241 today.

New Student Lunch with Ambassadors

All students new to NIS this year, along with NIS Ambassadors, are invited to lunch in the LGR today. Please come to the LGR at the beginning of lunch. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Little Shop of Horrors Rehearsal

Whole Cast (including Green Team) are needed at the first rehearsal of ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ today at 3:15-5:15. We will give out scripts, rehearsal schedules, and sign you up with the rehearsal app! All must come!!

Students in upstairs hallways

Dear MSUS Students,

A reminder that you must wait for the bell to go before you can go upstairs to your lockers at the end of lunchtime. Students are not permitted to be in the upstairs hallways during lunchtime.

Facility Notice

Dear all,

We will block the area in front of the PAC building for wall tiles maintenance this Saturday and Sunday.

Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Department

Self-checkout prototype in the secondary library

We are going to try self-checkout upstairs in the secondary library, where the student, teacher, or parent checks out their own books using a laptop with instructions next to it. Laptops for searching for books are always available. If you want to bring your class for checkout, let us know ahead of time (or on your way) and one of us will be able to assist you upstairs.


We will still close the secondary library during break and lunch until we have made the “big move” and become one gloriously united library.


Please give us your feedback on how things are going in the library and what we can do to improve!

Interested in co-sponsoring PYP Student Council?

Anyone interested in co-sponsoring the PYP Student Council with me? We have a rep from each class in grades 2-5, so 12 students all together. We try to meet once a week during lunch, and we help with assemblies, the PYP Variety Show, and coordinating spirit days.

House Assembly Today

Once you check in with your advisor head to the following locations:

Taiping – Green Gym

Wutaishan – MS/US LGR

Xuanwu – Blue Gym (access the gym from the outside)

Remember to put on your house shirt.

Student Access to Campus

Hello NIS Students,

We care about you and want nothing more than your safety and security. With this in mind, there are times you cannot be on campus, places you cannot go on campus, and things you cannot do while on campus. To find out more, click here for our Student Access to Campus document.

We love it when you are here before school, after-school, and on the weekends for scheduled and supervised NIS co-curricular activities. We don’t love it so much when you are here at these times and should not be.

You know who loves you all the time? Your parents! Please visit them at your home instead of gaming in the cafeteria or lurking around the hallways after school. They will appreciate it and so will we. Many thanks.

Video Review : Reminder

Don’t be afraid to jump right in and apply for a Video Review position.  Two simple questions – what position are you interested in and why. For those that have already applied, expect an email on Monday. Open to all students grades 6-12! (Job descriptions on previous bulletin post) Link to apply here