Project Invent Info Session: Reminder

A reminder that if you are interested or have questions there is a Project Invent information session after school Today @ 15:20 in the Design Centre.

This is for students in Grades 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12.

To Apply to be a team member: Fill out the form in this Link


A reminder that Little Shop of Horrors auditions are at 3:00pm today in the Middle Music Room! GOOD LUCK!

Farewell on Maternity Leave, Cassie!

As many of you know, TODAY is Cassie’s last day before she heads off for maternity leave. We wish her all the best on her new adventure, and can’t wait to welcome her back as a Mom! Feel free to stop by our service window and wish her well! Good luck Cassie and Best Wishes!



Who We Are

We are a group of people who are united in the belief that education is one of the most basic and valuable assets in our society and therefore should be accessible to all young people.  We have made it our aim to extend this gift of education to as many children as possible who would otherwise not be afforded the opportunity.


Why We Are

In April 2000 the Pfrang family lost their lives in a dreadful crime in their home in Nanjing. From sorrow for Sandra, Thorsten, Petra and Jürgen Pfrang, the desire arose to keep the memory of the family alive through making a positive contribution to the society we choose to live and work in. The foundation acknowledges the fact that social inequality and poor education prepare the grounds for crimes.


How We Are Organized

The Pfrang Association is a nonprofit charity organization with the intention of providing funds aimed at helping underprivileged children in Jiangsu and Anhui Province to attain an education. In setting up the Association, we have developed a partnership with Amity Foundation ( This foundation has years of experience dealing with the needs of young people in China and aspires to achieve similar goals as the Pfrang Association. The Pfrang Association is administered entirely through a group of volunteers and governed by the Articles of the Association.


For information about Pfrang or to inquire about the different ways to give, email:


Become a MS/US House Captain

Do you want to help lead your house to glory this year?

Then speak to Mr Chestermann or Mr Dutton (Wutaishan), Mr Stevens (Taiping) or Mr Winstanley (Xuanwu).

Auditions Today!

Today’s auditions for Little Shop of Horrors will be held in the Middle Music Room at 12:55. Please arrive on time 🙂

Online Resources for teachers


Here is a link to the online resources we subscribe to. Individual grades and/or departments might have additional subscriptions that are not listed. Usernames & passwords are included. Please do NOT share this link with students…they do not get access to the same things we do and will get their own link.

If you are working on professional development (university) courses, I highly recommend using EBSCO and JSTOR for research.

Overdrive/Sora – ebooks for all!!!!!!

Library Online Subscriptions 2019 – Teachers

FREE positive female role model posters to download & print


-taken from “A Mighty Girl” blog, which is a FANTASTIC resource for anyone who has or works with girls





Students in Grades 6 – 11,

Today, Tuesday, August 20th, at 8.00 am, you will receive an email with a link to Microsoft Forms where you can indicate your FIRST and SECOND choices for Discover China 2019. You can use your laptop or other device that allows you to check your email.

Please make sure you select trips that you have not yet been on.

You can only use the link once. The survey will close at 4.00 pm today.

When you click the link, you may need to log in. Don’t worry if you don’t, that just means that your browser remembers your password. Once you have made your choice, your name and email are automatically recorded.

That’s it. Easy.

Your advisory teacher has screen shots of what the Form looks like.

Please come find me if you have questions.

Evacuation Reminder

A friendly reminder of our planned evacuation drill today at 10:00am and a related heads-up that the Early Years student line up area has been swapped with the staff-without-a-homeroom line up area to accommodate the recent EY relocation. All line up locations have been repainted on the track’s edge for increased visibility and ease of use. Many thanks to the facilities team for their efforts on this. See you there!

Student Council – Become a member

If you want to become a member of the student council speak to Maria and Summer, so they can include you on the list, we are particularly looking for Grade 7 and 8 students to be more represented on the council.

Direct billing with Taikang Xianlin Drum Tower Hospital

Dear overseas staff,

Please be advised with enclosed notes & latest direct billing list from our insurance broker One World Cover:

” I am pleased to let you know that Cigna & CMB now has a direct billing contract in place with Taikang Xianlin Drum Tower Hospital-meaning that for in-patient situation and emergencies, the hospital will be able to accept Cigna’s guarantee of payment letter. ”
China Provider list-Cigna and CMB Direct Billing List