Project Invent: Accepting Applications

This year NIS will participate in Project Invent. We are recruiting 5-8 students to be the first team of international school students to participate in Project Invent.

For more information about Project Invent please visit their website: link

To apply to be a part of the team fill out the application form: link

If you would like more information please come see or email

or attend a short information session after school this Thursday, 15:20 in the Design Centre.



Volunteering Opportunities

Sign up on Veracross to help.

Monday sign up:

  • Swim Meet Volunteers
    • Thursday 22 Aug – G 6-9
    • Friday 23 Aug – G 6-9
    • Saturday 21 Sept – G 6-10
  • Activities Office help –  G 8-9
  • Book Stamper – G 6-7

Thursday sign up:

  • Rollerblading Volunteer – G6-10
  • Learning2 Volunteers G6-11
  • Teaching English to the Lifeguards – G10-11
  • Knitting for a Cause – G6-12

Posting Information to the LCD/LED Screens

Good morning,

Some of you may be wondering about how to get content from your classes, ASAs, etc onto the screens around the school. Here is a reminder about how to do that.

First, as they are horizontal screens, we would like to ask that any content you do submit, that you follow these protocols:

  • For all media submissions, please ensure that they maximize the horizontal perspective that the screens provide (i.e. landscape layout)
  • If you are submitting a single document (i.e. flyer) please make sure to make the text as large as possible (again using landscape layout) and high-resolution images (200dpi/A3 format would help ensure the size and pictures look correct)
  • Keep videos to 1GB or less
  • If you are unsure about how to make a slideshow, you can just put all the pictures in a folder and put your request to make a slideshow in your email
  1. Save all of these in a folder on the Large File Storage server (either Student or Teacher, doesn’t matter as long as you follow Step #2)
  2. Send the link/folder location to
  3. Please put an appropriate subject heading (like Student Council poster, Swimming Gala, etc.) on the email in Step #2
  4. Please also include the duration that you would like your media to run (i.e. 1 week, 2 days, etc., keeping in mind that 2 weeks is maximum duration)

And don’t hesitate to ask us for help as well, if you have an idea but you’re not quite sure how to make it happen. But please give us at least 24 hours (1 day) notice.

Second, here is the list of screens and their location:

  • 2nd Floor Cafe – the Centre (Pool/Activities)
  • Foyer Centre (Admissions)
  • Centre/Pool Hallway (Pool)
  • Foyer/School Entrance – by the sliding doors (Admin)
  • Foyer/School Entrance – by Library (Library/Admin/Student Council)
  • Library (Library)
  • End of Hall by Green Gym – 70″ Screen (Design/Activities)
  • 2nd Floor across from IT Office (MS/US/Activities/Counseling)
  • 2nd Floor, end of MYP/DP Hall (Middle/Upper School)
  • 2nd Floor by Music Department (Music/Student Council)
  • PAC (Drama)

Coming Soon –

  • Outside PS Office (PS Office)
  • End of EY corridor (PS)

In parenthesis/brackets are departments with primary content oversight, though you can always send email to with your request and we can sort it out. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

All the best,

Your Friendly IT Department

All-School Digital Resources

Looking for a field trip-related form, a key learning document like our Language Philosophy or Assessment Practices. more information about the professional growth plan, or how to apply for professional learning opportunities? Look no further than the All-School Resources folder in our digital hub. This is a one-stop-shop for every handbook, procedure, and guidelines NIS has to offer. Take a look today!

Discover China Sign Up on Microsoft Forms!

Dear Students in grades 6-11,

Last Spring, we asked you tell us which Discover China experience you were interested in. On Tuesday, you will officially sign up for your Discover China Week. All students in grades 6-11 MUST sign up on Microsoft Forms.

Please check the plasma screens and the bulletin board outside the Activities Office if you want more information about the different options. You can also ask your Advisory Teacher or me.

Grades 6 – 7:

  • Hangzhou
  • Huangshan
  • Taishan

Grades 8 – 9:

  • Beijing
  • Moganshan
  • Shaolin

Grades 10 – 11:

  • Guiyang
  • Xiamen
  • Yangshuo

You will register on Microsoft Forms and NOT on Veracross. On Tuesday you will receive a link to Microsoft Forms. Registration will open at 1 pm on Tuesday and will close at 4pm.


Ms Anna



“Local” servers

Greetings all,

For those that are wondering where our “local” servers went (i.e. Largestorage for teachers and students, or the old Fileserver) they can all be found at the new, singular address here:


At school, login with your username and password (just like for wifi), and you’ll see them there. If you’re unsure of what this is, ask a colleague or send us an email, or even better stop by our new office and ask us in person.

As in past years we have cleared out the LargeStorage folders to make room for the new year. If there is something you would like back, please send a ticket to IT-Help with the following information:

  • The server name (e.g. Student Largestorage)
  • The “exact” name of the folder or document (e.g. Kasson’s Beach Photos 2018)

Then swing by so we can pop it onto a flash drive or your computer. We do keep archives, but we try to keep space on the current server for the current year’s work.

And if you miss this bulletin – I guarantee I will be re-posting it at least 15 times throughout the year!


Joe and the IT Team


Volunteer Opportunities!!!!

Volunteer Opportunities, Please sign up on Veracross on Monday at 10.30 am.

1. Activities Office Volunteer

A volunteer is needed for clerical work such as filing papers or sorting uniforms etc. This position will be for one semester. The work is irregular. We might need you for 2 days next week and then not again for 2 or 3 weeks. The work will be at lunch time.


  • Grade 8 or 9
  • knows the alphabet
  • Can match uniforms by number
  • Can fold uniforms
  • Can work alone


2. Volunteer – Book Stamper

One student is needed to stamp books with “Nanjing International School”. We have received some books, 3000 of them. Easy work but long. We only have one stamp. The work will be at lunch time.


  • Grade 6 or 7
  • Can work independently


3.  Swim Time Trials Volunteers

 8 students are needed for timing and marshalling at the Swim Time Trials at NIS.

3.10 pm – 5.30 pm

Choice of 2 dates: Thursday, August 22nd and Friday, August 23rd


  • Grades 6-9
  • Have good hand-eye coordination
  • Can focus on the timing and not get distracted
  • Willing to learn
  • Ethical


4. Local Swim Meet Volunteers

 16 students are needed for timing, marshalling, announcing, etc

Time/shifts to be confirmed

Saturday, September 21st


  • Grades 6-10
  • Have good hand-eye coordination
  • Can focus on the timing and not get distracted
  • Ability to speak Mandarin an advantage
  • Ability to speak with firm tone is helpful
  • Ethical

MSUS Assembly Today (Friday) 2.30

Dear MSUS Teachers and Students,

Assembly begins in the PAC today at 2.30pm. Please finish up your classes at 2.25pm and make your way over to the PAC. Bags should be left in the classrooms – no bags in the PAC. Phones should be in pockets or left in bags; phone free assembly.

Mr Brown has shared the seating plan and will project it in the PAC for you to find where to sit.

See you this afternoon!

Grades 10 and 11 Life 101

Attention Grade 10 and 11 students.  Life 101 for the 2019-2020 school year will be held on Day 5 Block 5

Locations for these sessions for the year:

Grade 10:  Large Music Room M 251

Grade 11:  Large Group Room D 207