Gr 11 Extended / Senior Essay: The Last Hour Of Power!

Do you need a focused hour to polish your EE / SEE before submitting to your supervisor tomorrow?

Perhaps some respite from the hot, steamy weather in the cool, quiet shade of library stacks?

Mrs Romero and Ms Ham will be on hand to answer any questions and give any last minute help.

See you in the library at 3:15pm!

NIS Service Awards – Grades 6-12

Applications for NIS Service Award close at 3.00pm Friday.  If you exceeded the requirements for Service Activities this year and / or you have you engaged with the local community, charity or other group outside NIS, or you believe you have done something special in terms of Service please consider applying for a NIS Service Award. To apply, send me a short paragraph outlining the reasons why you believe you deserve an award. Applications close 3.00pm Friday June 1.

Drumming Rehearsal

The Chinese Drumming club has a rehearsal today after school. This is mandatory in order to perform in the upcoming concert, so please ensure you attend. Thanks.

G7 Sexual Health Education

Dear Grade 7 Students,

Today you have the first of three lessons dedicated to Sexual Health Education. Please find your group and location and head there for block 3.

7A – Mr. Bratton Room D208

7B – Ms. Bezzerides Upstairs in the cafeteria

7C – Mrs. Merrylees – Mrs. Merrylees’ room (D241)

See you then.

Calling All Middle/Upper School Performers…

If you are currently in grades 5-11 and interested in being involved in the greatest show to hit the NIS stage then you will need to come to the Middle Music Room (not the Black Box) after school Thursday.

Read the poster…

All Grade 9 Students – IDU Launch – REMINDER!

Dear Grade 9 students,

Please assemble in the MS/US LGR Wednesday morning straight after advisory (May 30th) for an introduction to your upcoming IDU. Timetabled teachers could you please escort your classes over. This introductory session should go no longer than 30 minutes. Any teachers who are not timetabled on during B1 Wednesday you are most welcome to join us! See you then

G6 Life 101 Today

Dear Grade 6 Students,

Today while the 7s have exams you will be in Life 101.

Please find your name and location and head there during block 3 today.

G6 Group 1 with Mrs. Merrylees in D219 (Across from Mr. Underwood’s room)


Leo                              Emma            Morgan                       Eric

Gui                              Simon              Alvina                          Romana

Amber                         Nele                Victoria                       Deanna

Libby                            Byeongsoo      Naomi                         Marissa

Hanae                          Brian               Hruyuki                        Edwin

Dong Geun                  Dayeon            Minjoo                         Addison


G6 Group 2 with Ms. Bezzerides Upstairs in the Cafeteria


Ethan                           Sophie             Kevin                           Lydia

Sofia                            Jack                 Rachel                         Yerin

Siya                             Jaedeok           Alex                             Keenan

Tinna                           Ellen                Sarah                           Damy

Sam                             Benno              Taeyoung                    Vincent

Saelyn                         Jia                    Hyeok Ju                      Seongmin



Changing Room Notice

Dear All

Kindly be reminded that we are going to clean the fitness lockers again on Thursday 31th May from 21:00-21:300.

Please do not leave your personal belongings in the lockers, and remember to return the key back to the front desk when you have finished exercising.

Any unclaimed items will be put in the Lost Property cupboards near the IT Offices,

Thanks for your cooperation!

Arek Owczarek