Criterion C: Creating the Solution

Create a section in your book for Criterion C. Each of the following tasks will be the ‘chapters’ of this section of the book. Use the features of Book Creator: you can embed video, Padlets, insert video and audio that you make of your own reflections, add photographs. 

Make it very clear that you are responding to each section using the headings listed below.

C1: Plan


Outline a plan, which considers the use of resources and time, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution.


It pays off to take a bit of time to think about the order in which you are going to put your product together, what steps might be difficult and how much time they will roughly take. You can use this thinking to avoid the risk of ending up with an unfinished product.


We can start making from next lesson. Before we do we should create a step by step plan. This will stop us from running out of time, or forgetting things we will use. Once we have created the plan, we are on our own! We manage our own time and resources.  

The plan needs:

  • Steps
  • Time
  • Resources

Consider also:

Planning ahead gives you the chance to plan for buying supplies, getting feedback, learning skills to make your game, etc. You might like to organize your plan in a table like this:

To Do



At this stage I will(do what).I will do this (how). This will ideally take (roughly how long). I will need to use (what tools).

C2: Technical Skills


Demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution.


Because you want to be the best you can be!


How will you show evidence of your technical skills?

  • Take photos of your work in progress.
  • Take video of you working with equipment (or have someone take it for you).
  • Explain how you are making your game in a way that indicates you know what you are doing. e.g. “I gave it to Ms. Cynthia to 3D print” would not score highly in terms of you demonstrating technical skills.

C3: Present the Solution


  1. Follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended.
  2. Present the solution as a whole.


You want to demonstrate the qualities of your product in your Design book.


Work in progress photos – take a lot of them – and photos of your finished product.

Document and date what you are doing each lesson and in between each lesson.

Use a maximum of four pages in your design book to present these.

C4: Changes to the Design


List the changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.


Just a short reflection to highlight the improvements you made to your product when going from the drawing table to reality. A lot of learning did actually happen!


List​​ all significant improvements and changes you made to your designs (task B3 & B4) when creating your product. Illustrate your list with photographs and/or screenshots where helpful or use a chart like this:

Changes made…



Criterion C Rubric

Criterion C PDF