Grade 6

Keynote Animations

A 12 week exploration into using simple animation to elevate a significant message. 

Global Context: Personal and Cultural Expression

Students will be exploring the nature and purpose of creative expression. 

Statement of Inquiry: We can use animation to communicate a message and compel a call to action.

  • What makes images compelling to an audience?
  • How might we communicate information visually?
  • What is the difference between static and moving images for the viewer?
  • How might visual images be used as a call to action?

Key Concept: Communication

Related Concepts:

  • Form: Form concerns the overall shape and configuration of a product. It relates to aspects such as aesthetics, shape, color, and texture.
  • Function: The function of a solution refers to what it has been designed to do and how effective it is at enabling that action to be performed.

Students will understand that: 

  • technology offers a diversified medium to present, communicate and influence communities and societies.

Students will know: 

  • a range of technology tools to present information in forms that are fit for purpose, meet audience needs and suit the content
  • how to reflect on their own and others’ uses of technology to help them develop and improve their ideas and the quality of their work

Students will be able to:

  • solve problems creatively by using technology to explore ideas and try alternatives.
  • review, modify and evaluate work as it progresses, reflecting critically and using feedback