The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
Overview PPT: The Cold War 1950 – 1962
Excellent website:
Lesson 1: ATL Skill: Research The Big Picture
On a large piece of paper and working on your own display this information:
- When did it happen?
- What happened (max 5 points)?
- Who was involved (countries and key individuals)?
- Where did this take place (sketch a map to show the island and the relative position of the two superpowers)?
This pdf will help: The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
Lesson 2: Key Concept: Cause
What were the causes of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Download the pdf below about Cuba between 1959 and 1962:
Cuba 1959 – 1962, Modern World History by Kelly and Lacey
What were the causes? Link back to Berlin Blockade
Lesson 3: ATL Skill: Knowledge and Understanding: What happened – what were the events?
Video Resource – CNN Cold War series – Cuba
Kennedy’s TV Broadcast:
What was the impact?
What was the significance?