Extended Essay

History Extended Essay

The link below will open the Extended Essay Guide.  It contains all the assessment criteria.

Here is the History EE report from 2012 where examiners give advice and feedback:
History EE subject report 2012
Example Essays:
(written by a former NIS student in 2013; awarded a A grade)
(written by a former NIS student in 2014; awarded and A grade)
These are the essential steps to writing a successful History Extended Essay:
1. Chose a topic
2. Gather resources
3. Begin to research
4. Narrow the topic and formulate a research question
5. Conduct more focused research
6. Create an outline
7. Write the first draft
8. Edit the draft in line with the feedback you have received
9. Write the final essay


The following links can help you to find sources.  Ideally you should be aiming for both primary and secondary sources, academic works by well known Historians and journal articles.History Today / History Review (For the full text of an article either speak to Ms. Rinker or search the article in EBSCO Host using your own login).
http://www.historytoday.comThe link below takes you to the school library catalogue where you can access sites such as EBSCO:

Library support sessions

1. What makes a good research question?
Look at examples / share your own / peer feedback / improve or adapt
2. What resources should I use?
Spend time creating a reference list using the library resources
3. What does success on an EE look like?
Look at examples of EEs and grade according to the criteria in the guide.
4. How do I research my EE?
Research tools e.g Evernote, Inspiration, Pages
5. How should I plan an outline of the EE?
Discuss the Essay scaffolds and what a successful EE in History looks like.