Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Civil War 1936 – 39


Paper 2: (HL/SL) Causes, Practices and Effects of wars


Here is a link to an excellent podcast. It lasts approx. 40 minutes. Scroll down the page to “The Spanish Civil War”.

Spain – How does the geography affect the history?


1. Long Term Causes of The Spanish Civil War

The documents below outline the long term problems experienced by Spain that created the systemic tensions that Azana tried to find solutions to in the Second Republic of 1931:
What tensions existed in Spain before the Second Republic was created in 1931?
More long term causes
Use the information below to make an Inspiration to show the issues which were dividing Spain before 1931. Use the tool the ‘5 Whys’ to give each ‘branch’ of the mind map 5 reasons.

2. The Second Republic 1931: The reforms of Azana.

3. The Right Wing Government of Gil Robles:

4. The Popular Front:


Popular Front Government

Who was responsible for the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War? The right wing or the left wing? Find evidence to support both sides of this argument and then reach a conclusion.

5. The Course of the Spanish Civil War

George Orwell’s recollections of the Spanish Civil War:
Read the final chapter of Orwell’s essay about the Spanish Civil War. Highlight ONE sentence that you consider show to be the most significant in the essay. The sentence that gets to the heat of what Orwell is really trying to say. be ready to share your sentence with the group.
To what extent were the International Brigades helpful to the Republicans? Find one piece of evidence for each side of the argument.

Why did the Nationalists win the Civil War? Read the information below.

1. Make a table to show the role of the foreign countries in the Spanish civil war. Give examples of the aid that each one gave and the side they supprted.
2.  How successful was the NIC?
3. Why did the Nationalists win the Spanish Civil War?
Paul Preston: Belives that the war was won by the Nationalists largely becuase of the terrible atrocities committed byt Franco’s men.  Stanley Payne: Believes that the Republican government was incompetent and made huge tactical and strategical errors which lost them the war.

Debating in 3 part harmony.

The Nationalists won the Spanish Civil War because of the Republican weaknesses.

Debate template       Debate Rubric

How the debate will work:
Pro: Opening Speech – 2 minutes
Judge clarifies – 1 minute
Con: Opening Speech – 2 minutes
Judge clarifies – 1 minute
Pro: Main speech – 4 minutes
Judge clarifies – 1 minute
Con: Main speech – 4 minutes
Judge clarifies – 1 minute
Pro and Con: Crossfire preparation – 2 minutes
Crossfire – 3 questions each side taken alternately with judge clarification in between each.
Pro: Closing Speech
Judge clarifies – 1 minute
Con: Closing speech
Judge clarifies – 1 minute

 6.  The effects of the Spanish Civil War

Thinking routine: Claim – support – question
What do you CLAIM to be the outcomes of the Spanish civil war?
Can you find any evidence to SUPPORT your claims?
What other QUESTIONS have you got?

7. Past Papers and Mark Schemes

Here is an example of a student essay from a paper 3 question on the Spanish Civil War. It scored a 7.
‘The Spanish civil war was essentially a domestic matter that rapidly became an international conflict’.  To what extent do you agree?