
Welcome to Our Class Wikis for English Language A

Books! We love them! In MYP you can spend 5 whole years reading books. If you don’t like the sound of this, we will try to change your mind.

Exam Outline

G6_Language A_Exam_Subject Outline_S1 2015pages

Take a minute to check out the Purple Duck!


It’s the school’s very own literary magazine. Some of the work that you do this year may be published there for the whole school community to read.

Creative Writing Ideas.

Looking for inspiration? Try these ideas for poems or short stories (some are rather strange – but the stranger, the better!).

Strange Story Writing Prompts

And how about a really short story? Can you scare people in just two sentences? Look here, if you dare.

Please browse this site for content and resources related to courses in this subject area. Across the top are grade level links, with sub-links to specific units.

To access another subject area or school level, please go to the NIS logo in the upper left hand corner of the screen and choose from the drop-down menu.


NIS Students and Parents
To access specific assignments and class details, please log in to your Veracross portal.
To access curriculum plans, please log in to Rubicon Atlas.

To further understand the general assessment criteria for English A, see the general assessment criteria below. These, or task-specific versions of these, will be used with each assessed assignment.

MYP Language A Creative Assessment Criteria

MYP Language A Analytical Assessment Criteria

You will be doing some research work in MYP to better understand the background of some of the books we read. When presenting research, or discussing secondary sources, use the APA Referencing System.

Here is a guide for those new to this system.

APA Bibliography Format