Of Mice and Men

Unit Question: How do individuals cope with racial bias and physical disabilities in a restrictive environment?


AoI: Environments and Man
Concept: The students will understand the conflict of those who struggle with racial bias as well as those with physical disabilities.
Of Mice and Men was written in the 1930s after the Great Depression. It follows the friendship of two migrant workers, Lennie and George, as they try to find the American Dream. Here is a powerpoint about the historical context of the novel.
Literary Devices: Look up the definitions of 1) Circular Plot, 2) Foreshadowing and 3) Imagery. Write the definitions in your workbook and give examples.

As we study the novel you may be assigned some of these OMAM Chapter Questions to complete.

Here is a Jumbled Plot (out of order synopsis) of Chapter One. You need to put these events in the correct order with a parter.
You will create a character or theme mind map on Inspiration based on ‘Of Mice and Men’. Here are the instructions. Here is an example of a mind map of Lennie from last year.
Theme Work: Friendship is an important them in the novel. In pairs, list three examples of friendship from ‘Of Mice and Men’. Include quote and explain why these examples are important.
There are many references to animals in Chapter 3 during the fight scene. Complete this Ch3 Animal Refs task sheet on animal imagery. Write  a short speech on whether or not Candy’s dog should die Ch3 Dog Must Die.
Do this worksheet on foreshadowing and symbolism in the novel.
Assessment Task 1: in pairs to create an OF MICE & MEN–Newspaper Assignment cover page from the 1930’s time period. Your newspaper must include two articles based on events from the novel Of Mice and Men. The articles must demonstrate an understanding of the novel.
Here is an example of a good newspaper from last year.
Assessment Task 2: For your summative assessment you will write an essay on ‘Of Mice and Men’ on one of these topics. You will use this scaffold to plan your approach. You will write your final draft without notes of the scaffold under test conditions in class.
All assignments in English will be graded using this rubric.

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