Letting go of Letterland

Purpose: Decluttering our EY curriculum We know that dramatic play supports the development of early literacy skills more powerfully than direct instruction. Through play, children develop the understanding of symbols. For example, in play mud can become a chocolate cake, a stick becomes a sword, a bush becomes a house, a block becomes an airplane, … Continue reading Letting go of Letterland

Earth Hour

Purpose: Take environmental action, for a better planet, for a sustainable school “We want environmental action to become a daily routine,” says The Little Book of Nanjing School.  Our NIS Earth Hour event is evolving into a student-lead opportunity to spread the word about takingenvironmental action and about going “beyond the hour”.  This year, not … Continue reading Earth Hour

Off Campus Learning

Create off-campus learning opportunities for all Most international schools sell themselves on their campus: expansive sports grounds, impressive arts venues, bright airy classrooms. At Nanjing International School, we want to sell ourselves on China being the campus. Most international schools sell themselves on their campus: expansive sports grounds, impressive arts venues, bright airy classrooms. At … Continue reading Off Campus Learning