Tag: Veracross

Sign Up for Community Activities

Hi Everybody,

Don’t forget to sign up for the new cycle of Community Activities! Registrations on Veracross are open until February 21st 16:30.

The classes will start on Monday, February 27th

Here is how you can sign up:

1. Open this registration link: Community Activities Registration or for teachers, find the registration link under “School Report” from Veracross Portal (available for Teachers not Admin Staff)

2. Login with your veracross account and password

3. Click on “Launch Signup” to check all the available activities and start registration.

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Please contact Sandra Fuchs cac@nanjing-school.com for any question. Thanks.

Please Update Your Profile in Veracross System (For Admin Staff)

Please check and keep your contact information (Mobile, Email, etc) up to date in Veracross. Here is how you can do it:

1. Login ES web: https://esweb1.veracross.com/nis/ with your veracross login account and password

2. Find and go to “Main Home Page

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3. Please fine “Other” Section, then you will see “My Profile”, from there, you can check and make change to your contact info. such as mobile phone number and email address.

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Community Activities Registration (for Teaching Faculty)

Community activity registration is open until Feb. 24th. Lots of wonderful and beneficial activities are available this time. Here is how you can check and sign up from Veracross Teacher Portal:

1. Login Veracross Teacher portal: https://portals.veracross.com/nis/.

2. From School Report which is at right bottom side of the window, you will find Community Activity Registration link. Click on the link to launch the sign-up.

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Check Your Three Way Conference Schedule

Here is the way you can check your schedule for the three way conference.

1. Login to veracross teacher portal.  https://portals.veracross.com/nis

2. At the bottom of the list of “School Reports” which is at right side of the Veracross window, you will find “Teacher Conference Schedule“link. Please click on it and you will see your conference schedule.

Please try and let us know if you have any question. Thanks.


Notification Email for Assignment

Dear MYP/DP Teachers,

Juan and Kasson indicate that if you send assignment notifications, please send it to Parents and Advisor instead of Homeroom. This year, we use advisory group and advisor instead of homeroom.

The “Notify Homeroom” button can not be removed. Please ignore it. Thanks.

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Change to Send Email by Using Veracross Group Mail Address

Recently some mails sent through Veracross Group Mail Address could not be delivered successfully. Veracross is taking care of this issue. Before they get it solved, please try the following way to get around.

After you get the group mail address from veracross: xx@email.veracross.com, please make change to it so it is xx@mail.veracross.com.  

1. After you get the veracross mail address in your mail application, right click on the address, so you can get “Edit Address

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2. Now you can make change to the address, so it is @mail.veracross.com

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Subscribe to Veracross Calendars (For Teaching Faculty)

There are lots of useful calendars in Veracross, such as:

  • School Calendar: which has all school events
  • Faculty Calendar: which includes all school events and other events which you are involved in, such as 3-way conference and class assignments.
  • Athletic Calendar: which shows Athletics events
  • Class Schedule/Assignment Calendar

You can subscribe to them and without checking veracross, you can check those calendars directly from Apple iCal and popular mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad. The subscribed calendars will automatically update with new events.

Here is how you can subscribe:

1. Open and login Veracross: https://portals.veracross.com/nis/

2. Open Calendar tab on top of the webpage, you will see “SUBSCRIBE” section which list all calendar subscriptions.

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. You will find “My Calendars” subscription and “School Calendars” subscription.

From My Calendars, you can subscribe to faculty calendar, your class schedule calendar and your class assignment calendar.

From School Calendars, you can subscribe to School Calendar, and Athletics Calendars

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4. If you want to subscribe to any calendar, please click on the blue “Subscribe” which is at the right side of the calendar to start.

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5. After click “Subscribe” you will be prompted to the subscribe window in your default calendar program (usually Apple iCal). Please click on “Subscribe” button

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6. Then you can choose what color you want for that calendar and choose the location where you want to save this subscription. But please do make change to the “Auto-refresh” to be “Every 5 minutes” or other frequency rather than “No”. So you can get update if there is any.

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If you have any question or need any help with it, please come to see us or let us know. Thanks.