Discovering Urbanization

We will use the Design Cycle to explore the causes and consequences of internal migration in a country of your choice.

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Before you begin learn this terminology:

Urban, rural, LEDC, MEDC, NIC, migration, push and pull factors, internal migration, cause, consequence


Phase 1: Discover

ATL Skill Research: Decide on the country you will focus on. You can choose any country but here are some suggestions

China, Brazil, Philippines, Italy, Kenya, UK

ATL Social Skills – Collaborate Effectively

You will need the skills of – collaboration, research, thinking, self management and communicating to be successful.  You MUST WORK AS A TEAM.

Get into groups of 3.

You need to inquire more deeply in to the causes and consequences of internal migration in the country you have chosen.

Before you start, watch this quick movie about COLLABORATION

  1. Start by making a list of questions that you will need to answer. Write the list of questions on a piece of paper. 
  2. Find out the answers to the questions using the resources below. Record your answers on your discovery boards. You can add the ideas you recorded from the movie “Megacities”.
  3. Your information should be communicated through a variety of means e.g. maps / writing / statistics / pictures 
  4. When you are collaborating you should remember to: Follow and lead, do your share of the task, listen respectfully to the ideas of the others in the group, be reliable. Which of these qualities do you need to work on?
  5. You must also build a vocabulary list on your discovery board that clearly states the new word and gives a precise meaning.

Here are your resources:


This link will take you to a short movie about cities in LEDCSs:


Introduction to settlements Key Note


Twig educational movies 

(Username: ruthclarke   password: nanjing)



Lesson 6.

  • You now have 20 minutes to discuss what you have found out about the causes and consequences of internal migration in your country
  • You should all contribute your research to the discussion. You can repost the discoveries on the boards with connections made clear as your discussion progresses.
  • Organise the research. Makes links between the points.

Define the Problem GLOBAL CONTEXT Fairness and Development

In your  group of 3 you need to decide who is person A, B and C.

ATL Skill: Communication. You will now interview each other.  One person will write down everything that is said without interrupting the speakers.

The topic of the interview is urbanisation solves some problems and creates others.

A interviews B (4 minutes) and C writes

B interviews C (4 minutes) and A writes

C interviews A (4 minutes) and B writes

Now circle the benefits in red and the challenges in blue.

Define the problem by creating a research question using these points to help you:

  1. The question must be connected to the statement of inquiry
  2. The question must begin: ‘How might we…. ‘ or ‘To what extent….’ or ‘How significant…..’ 
  3. The question must include the word ‘disparity’ or ‘disparities’ OR be focused on one example of a disparity

Example question: How might we reduce rising crime rates in areas of poverty which are the result of the growth in the city of Dhaka?


Lesson 8: In your groups think up as many solutions to the problem as you can. You have just 4 minutes!!

Now think up as many radical or stupid solutions to the problem that you can! You have just 4 minutes!

Now draw some solutions. You have just 4 minutes!

Join with another group and share your question and your best solutions. You will follow the final word strategy.

Look at all of your solutions. Can you combine them in any way to find a final solution to the problem? You must keep a record of all of your solutions as you will now make a prototype to present them to the class.


You will now show what you have learned from the process you have gone through so far by presenting the solutions to your problem. You will be assessed on this. How this assessment will happen depends on you. You will have control of the assessment.

Here is the task sheet and rubric:

Design Cycle Assessment 2018


Watch Austin’s Butterfly about the power of peer feedback.

Share your rubric with a partner group.

Present to the partner group. The partner group will give you specific feedback related to your rubric. You must use this feedback to EVOLVE your product and presentation ready for the final grading by your teacher.

You can have one lesson to fix up the presentation.