Month: March 2015

Please Welcome Cassie

Cassie is taking over from Jessie in the Apple Store. Please drop by and give her a warm NIS welcome.


Staff- Books for the Break!

Don’t forget to stop by the library before Friday to get some books for the break. Below are some of the newly arrived fiction and professional titles.

If anyone is interested in the Overdrive eBooks please let me know, I am happy to help get you started!



Inspector Hound has issued a health warning regarding unfortunate new discoveries in the Black Box:

HEALTH ADVISORY: The public are warned that the reality/artifice boundaries are dangerously unstable in certain areas of the Black Box. The public is reminded that only professional actors are able to withstand the atmospheric pressures of artifice. Members of the public are advised to stay in their seats; on no account should they cross these boundaries – doing so may endanger both mental and physical health.

Oooh, how very ToK!!!

Student-Led Conferences Tomorrow!

Hello Again MYP Students,

Tomorrow we will have our annual student-led conferences! At some point on the day, between 8am-4pm, you will come to campus with a parent (or another willing adult if your parents are both unable to attend), sign-in in the Centre foyer, and pop into each of your classrooms for a student led (that means you!) activity, showing off what you have learned.

This is not a “normal” school day, but this IS a mandatory school day. You can come anytime, but you should give yourself about three or four hours to make the rounds. It is very important that you bring a charged laptop as well.

See you then!

Grade 10 – Work Experience Week

I have had a number of queries about the Work Experience Week timeline. For those who could not find it, here it is: TIMELINE

There have also been requests for the relevant forms, here they are: FORMS

And I’ve had students ask me for ideas, as they are ‘stuck’ : IDEAS

Oddly enough, these are all links to the Work Experience Week Edublog – who’d have thought?

With the holiday coming up, you’ll want to make sure you have a clear idea in your head for how you are going to organise your Work Experience Week. By now, you should have shared some initial thoughts with your homeroom teacher. Maybe you have already approached a perspective employer…

If you are having any difficulties please come and see me before the end of the week. When you get back from the holiday, you’ll need to be making your firm commitment to a plan and getting all the relevant paperwork together.


Language Acquisition

Helping Non Native Speaker Understand Written Texts 2
Give students as much background knowledge as possible.

ACAMIS Service Learning Grants

Grants of up to US$2500 are available to individuals or groups who wish to undertake a Service project. Information is available at the ACAMIS website.   I have also attached a document that explains this more.    Service_Learning_Criteria     If you are interested please contact me. Application deadline is April 15th

Trashbusters ASA – still has a few vacancies

If you would like to get some exercise on Friday after school and also do the environment  favor you are welcome to sign up for Trashbusters ASA – there still are a few places for G6-8 students. Please email me.

A message from Inspector Hound…

‘The web is closing in, like a fog when the cuckoo-beard is in bloom.’

Make of that what you will.

The Real Inspector Hound, Wednesday, 1st April and Thursday, 2nd April

— STOP PRESS!!! — Due to popular demand, a limited supply of extra tickets may be available. See the Accidental Theatre Company for further details.

The Real Inspector Hound

A pre-preview preview was held in the Black Box yesterday evening. These are some reviews of the preview (only the good ones, of course)…

No-one will leave the house! Scotland Yard Inquirer

Wonderful wallpapering! Town and Country

I almost fell asleep! John Rinker

Student-Led Conferences Wednesday This Week

Hello MYP Students,

On Wednesday we will have our annual student-led conferences! At some point on the day, between 8am-4pm, you will come to campus with a parent (or another willing adult if your parents are both unable to attend), sign-in in the Centre foyer, and pop into each of your classrooms for a student led (that means you!) activity, showing off what you have learned.

This is not a “normal” school day, but this IS a mandatory school day. You can come anytime, but you should give yourself about three or four hours to make the rounds. It is very important that you bring a charged laptop as well.

See you then!

Language Acquisition


This week the Language Acquisition post will look at helping non native speakers understand reading texts.

Helping Non Native Speaker Understand Reading Texts 1


Students, particularly non native speakers, may have problems that are caused solely by the fact that what they are trying to understand has been poorly printed or copied, is badly set-out or is in a very small type-face.

Earth Hour Thanks

Many thanks to everyone who helped to make the Earth Hour event such a success on Saturday. The students, teachers and parents involved in organising activities were fantastic. Those who performed in some way were wonderful. Facilities performed miracles as always.

Don’t let it be in vain-USE YOUR POWER to make some small changes that could make a big difference.

The winners of the best ‘trashion’ outfits were Sophia Rinker and Sofia Saavedra Adams. The eco-logo and bin designs competitions will be judged this week.