Helping Non Native Speaker Understand Written Texts 2
Give students as much background knowledge as possible.
ACAMIS Service Learning Grants
Grants of up to US$2500 are available to individuals or groups who wish to undertake a Service project. Information is available at the ACAMIS website. I have also attached a document that explains this more. Service_Learning_Criteria If you are interested please contact me. Application deadline is April 15th
Trashbusters ASA – still has a few vacancies
If you would like to get some exercise on Friday after school and also do the environment favor you are welcome to sign up for Trashbusters ASA – there still are a few places for G6-8 students. Please email me.
A message from Inspector Hound…
‘The web is closing in, like a fog when the cuckoo-beard is in bloom.’
Make of that what you will.
The Real Inspector Hound, Wednesday, 1st April and Thursday, 2nd April
— STOP PRESS!!! — Due to popular demand, a limited supply of extra tickets may be available. See the Accidental Theatre Company for further details.
The Real Inspector Hound
A pre-preview preview was held in the Black Box yesterday evening. These are some reviews of the preview (only the good ones, of course)…
No-one will leave the house! Scotland Yard Inquirer
Wonderful wallpapering! Town and Country
I almost fell asleep! John Rinker
Student-Led Conferences Wednesday This Week
Hello MYP Students,
On Wednesday we will have our annual student-led conferences! At some point on the day, between 8am-4pm, you will come to campus with a parent (or another willing adult if your parents are both unable to attend), sign-in in the Centre foyer, and pop into each of your classrooms for a student led (that means you!) activity, showing off what you have learned.
This is not a “normal” school day, but this IS a mandatory school day. You can come anytime, but you should give yourself about three or four hours to make the rounds. It is very important that you bring a charged laptop as well.
See you then!