Month: March 2015

Intermediate Orchestra

Miss Keus is away on professional development, but intermediate orchestra will continue with substitute conductors. Please come with Mamma Mia and your instruments ready.

Language Acquisition

This week the Language Acquisition post will look at helping non native students understand what you say.

Helping Non Native Students Understand What You Say 1:

Listening  is easier if supported by visual material. Apart fromm pictures or diagrams of what is being talked about, it is often helpful for them to have key words written on the board.

MCPHS University, formerly Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Screen Shot 2015-03-08 at 7.24.52 PMMCPHS University (Massachusetts, Manchester, New Hampshire.)

Monday 9th March 9.15am @HS Counsellor’s Office – Talks for prospective students on pharmacy, premed, nursing or other healthcare majors. Information on careers out there for students who chose to major in the health sciences. Email me NOW if you are interested in attending… Grade 10, 11 and 12 students, at the discretion of their teachers.


We need empty kitchen rolls, Pringles tubes etc for Earth Hour. We would also like large paper cups, e.g. the McDonalds variety. Please drop them off in the box outside C122. THANK YOU.

MYP/ DP Library Overdues

Thanks for bringing them back!

  • 6A-  Noah, Eric, Ida
  • 6B- Suyeon, Yoonji, Ben, Lucy, Levi
  • 6C- Austin
  • 7A- Kharis, Gloria, Lena F.,Tillman, Ang
  • 7B- Felicity, Hae In, Eunsuh
  • 7C- Donghwan, Arron, Runzhou, Chuan, Apple
  • 8A- Toshi, Nancy
  • 8B- Sophia L., Lucas S.
  • 8C- Yoojin, Irving, Runzhi, Sally
  • 9A- Alex, Chloe, Lianna, Wonjun, Charles, Johanna
  • 9B- Isobel, Julien, Brian, Zeju
  • 9C- Ilwoo, Seungyeon, Ji Hyun, Dong Young
  • 10B- Ellie, Hajin, Sangjun, Poppy, Jungyoon, Bruce
  • 10C- Abby, Anabel, Seungjun, Jun Pyo, Sonja, Sophia
  • 10D- Lauren, Ebba, Chanho, Tae Gun, Jiayi, Dina, Alex

DP: Elissa, William, Denny, Elena, Isnadya, Alice, Nam Won, Emma, Erica, Mohamad, Arianna, Pan, Rhys, Lena

Displaced People

Dear NIS,  This year the ‘shanty town experience’ is being replaced with a ‘displaced people experience’. For this to be successful we need a large collection of materials for Grade 8 to use to build shelters. As this will be in March / April this year they will need to keep warm and dry. We are looking for cardboard boxes, tarpaulins, plastic sheeting, string, wood, bamboo poles and whatever else would be useful for shelter construction. We only want used items.

If you have anything please bring to our classrooms (D220), the Design Centre, or contact us and we will collect. We are the Grade 8 Humanities team (Ruth, Rebecca and Laurie) and the Grade 8 Design team (Francis, Robin and Nikolai). Many thanks.


Language Acquisition

Misconception 5:  A second language student who lashes out and is disruptive is exhibiting emotional disturbances

Most of these children are actually suffering from culture shock. People experience culture shock in a way that is similar to the stages of grief.

  • Honeymoon (showing excitement about a new life)
  • Rejection (there is too much to understand)
  • Regression (frustrations with communication and homesickness)
  • Integration (learning to deal with differences and finding ways to live in both cultures)
  • Acceptance (assimilation and adoption of mainstream culture at school while keeping home culture values)

INSET survey link

Good morning,

Please find the link below for the February INSET survey. The survey will remain open until the end of the day on Monday. Your input is important in helping us design these valuable professional development days.

Thank you,

MYP Tech Challenge Friday March 20th – Block 5

As an early warning for your planning, the MYP inter house Tech Challenge is rapidly approaching. It will be block 5 on Friday March 20th. This is day 4.

The following teachers will miss the chance to be involved because they are teaching grades 11 at that time: Ruth, Rob Battye, Danny Clarke and Cheryl.

I am making up the teacher supervision groups. If you have some reason why you cannot take part in the tech challenge please let Russel know, ex. you are a specialist teacher and are involved with PYP at that time.

Thank you.

A message from the Purple Duck

Greetings! The Purple Duck is now beginning preparations for its 2015 edition – to be published in June. The editorial team is now collecting submissions of original writing and art work. Are you a writer or artist looking for an audience? Teacher, student or otherwise a member of the NIS community? The Purple Duck is your route to fame or notoriety – whichever you wish.

Send your written work to Mr.Hammond (standard font, size 12, Pages please) before the end of March. He will pass it to the editorial team who will make the final decisions about which work to include.

Please send (or bring for Airdropping) artwork in a digital format to Mr.Hammond, Maristella Witt or Michelle Lei.

Submissions must be in before 31st March to guarantee inclusion in this year’s magazine!

PD Logo cropped

ACAMIS Swim Meet Helpers – MYP C&S – Updated

Helpers fort he Swim meet are required for both Friday and Saturday. If you would like to help for Friday you will need to submit an OLF for the classes you are missing. Please sign up on C&S / CAS sign up link on Veracross.


University Visits

Manchester University Friday 6th March -TODAY!  When? Block 4 (12.00 – 1.00pm) Where? MYP LGR.
A visiting professor will give a Biology lecture to Gr10 and 11 students, followed by the Admissions representative discussing the UK admissions process and university life in general. Teachers of Grade 10 may take their classes if they wish to. Grade 11 students should all come.

MCPHS University (Massachusetts) Monday 9th March 9.15 @Cousenllors’ Office – Talks for prospective students on pharmacy, premed, nursing or other healthcare majors. Information on careers out there for students who chose to major in the health sciences. You must email me if you are interested in attending…

University of Sydney Friday 13th March 1.00pm – 2.00pm – MYP LGR
Meet Dean of Science, Professor Trevor Hambley as he gives a Lecture and presentation about the University

Language Acquisition

Misconception 4: Beginners must begin producing (i.e., speaking/writing) language right away.

The “silent period” is an important part of the language acquisition process and language is being acquired during this time.