Month: August 2015

Language Acquisition

The most important advice

* Make it comprehensible! *

If the teacher can shape the input that each of the ELL/English B learners receives at a level just above their level of comprehension – by modulation of the written and spoken language to which students are exposed, through appropriate classroom organization and careful choice of activities and tasks – then the teacher is creating the most favourable conditions for learning, not only to learn English but also to learn the subject content. This is on the assumption that the cognitive challenge of the activities is also just above the level of comprehension – or in what Vygotsky called the zone of proximal development.The tasks also needs to be interesting and relevant.

International Mindedness

In the spirit of international mindedness (Earth Overshoot Day,, was on August 13th this year!), do all you can to avoid waste-of electricity by turning off unnecessary lights and closing all doors; of paper by printing on used paper or both sides and recycling mindfully; of water by turning off the tap when you finish and taking shorter showers in school; of food by eating everything on your plate. Why not start the new school year off in a greener way, and persuade others too? It’s very easy.

Student Council Elections

Hello Student Council Enthusiasts!

Student Council needs to start soon so if you are still refining your paragraphs explaining why you would like to be a part of student council, then you should finish them soon! Please send them to me (Kostya Tyoschin) before the end of Tuesday. Wishing all candidates the best of luck!      

– Kostya Tyoschin and Cameron Young

Discover China Week preparations: Copies of passport and Visa required

We are now preparng for MYP/DP Discover China Week and we require all MYP/DP students to give  a photocopy of front page of passport and current Chinese visa to your Advisory Teacher. Please give these to your Advisory teacher by Friday this week. If you have any problems giving these in by Friday please let your Advisory Teacher know about this. Thank you.

PYP Teachers – Pencil Case Q&A

Good morning PYP teachers,

It seems that there have been a few questions about student pencil cases.  I hope that this quick Q&A will help in this transition year. 

Q. Who automatically receives a new pencil case?

A.  We are providing pencil cases to new students only.  

Q. What should returning students expect?

A. Returning students should use the pencil cases from last year, and refill items were available for pick-up in the PYP LGR. 

Q. What if a returning student has a broken pencil case?

A. If students have a pencil case that is broken (broken zippers, ripped, etc) from last year, they may request a new pencil case through Zoe.  Please provide the broken pencil case to Zoe so that we can follow up with common problems with purchasing.

Q. What happens if returning students threw out their pencil case last year because they were broken?

A. If students have informed you that their pencil case was broken and thrown out last year, please ask them if they need a new pencil case.  Some students may opt to use a pencil case from home.  If students would like a replacement pencil case, an empty one can be obtained by Zoe.  Refill items will already have been taken collected from the stationery boxes in the PYP LGR. 

Q. How do I get the pencil cases I need from Zoe?

A. Send Zoe an email by 3:30pm Wednesday that clearly states your homeroom + how many pencil cases you need for each of the 3 houses for your class.  We will need to place an additional order.  You will be informed of their arrival as soon as possible. 

Thanks – have a great week,



‘GIVE IT A GO’ Friday (14 Aug) swim meet – Congratulations to all participating athletes. What a team!

GOLD & SILVER SWIM SQUADS – Invitations to join these squads will be emailed to eligible athletes on Tuesday 18 August.

GOLD & SILVER SQUAD TRAINING – This week, training will take place on Wednesday 19 & Friday 21 August, 3:15 to 4:15pm

Further announcements about our Bronze & Transition squads will follow later in the week.

Pop-up: What do I do?

Hi all, If you get the following pop-up requiring action:

Username: Please type in your first and last name (e.g. tomjohnson)
and then for your Password use your email password

Intermediate Orchestra

Intermediate Orchestra is starting on Monday (today). This club is for students who already play a band or stringed instrument. It is part of the “Arts in the Community” programme, which means students who perform a minimum of 2 times per semester, outside of NIS, can count this towards their core C&S activities. If you didn’t bring your instrument, then don’t worry – we have instruments to lend you or you can start from next week.

School Bells

Many thanks to Advisory Coad for submitting the first (and so far, only) bell of the school year. For a detailed look at the upcoming schedule, please follow this link.  As you can see, weeks 4 through 7 are wide open. If you are interested in submitting a bell, please drop it into studentlargestorage / music / school bells.

File name: AdvisoryName – Artist – Title.mp3

Note: If bells are not chosen, you will have to contend with my musical selections, which will include opera, Monty Python, and at least a few Canadian folk songs. Mr. Fleming will force me to play Arrogant Worms (though I like Arctic Monkeys better.)

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 11.09.04 AM

Homework Club!

Do you need help organizing your time? Confused about your classes? Out-of-class learning assignments already building up? Want to check out the brand new Learning Support area?

If your answer is “YES!” to any of these questions please come to the new Learning Support area Mondays from 3:15-4:15! Any and every student grade 6-12 is welcome to attend. There will always be one Learning Support teacher, one Maths (and maybe science) teacher, and one English (and maybe humanities) teacher there ready to help you!


How to Print Double Sided in Black and White Color from

From Word application, here is how you can print double sided in back and white color:

1. Start printing from word File Menu >> Print

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 3.18.22 PM

2. The printing setup window will open. Click on “Copies & Pages” to see more options and open “Layout”

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 3.22.25 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 3.22.37 PM

3. On the “Layout” page, turn on “Two-Sided” by choosing the way you want: “Long-Edge Binding” or “Short-Edge binding”. Now if you click on “Print” button you can print double sided.

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 3.23.01 PM


If you want to print in black and white, here is how: 

1. Start printing and from the printing setup window, click on “Layout”, find and open “Printer Feature” which is at the bottom of the list.

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 3.22.37 PM-1

2. Find the “Color Mode” from the “Printer Feature” window. Switch to “Black and White” color mode.  Print in Black and White, and save your printing money in your card.

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 3.23.20 PM

Save all your print setting and quickly get it next time:

1. Find the “Presets” from the printing setup window. It is usually under the printer.

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 3.24.27 PM

2. Save your printing settings. Next time, if you want to use the same settings again, you can get it all from “Presets”

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 3.24.52 PMScreen Shot 2015-08-14 at 3.25.04 PM


MYP & Grade 5 MacBook Pick up Schedule

Aug. 19th. (Wednesday)

Teacher Room
Weatherly, Jacqui Blue Gym 1
Boothby, Fenella Design Centre
Joyce, Nikolai Design Centre

Aug. 20th (Thursday)

Teacher Room
Fischl, Richard C147
Messom, Andrew C151
Newman, Martin D203
Mello, Luiz D204
Runte, Angela D214

Aug. 21st (Friday)

Teacher Room
Hernandez-Verdugo, Laura D217
Lee, Anthony D221
Yang, Jean D223
Zhang, May D224
Wang, Lisa D225

Aug. 24th (Monday)

Teacher Room
Chen, Angel D227
Wang, Sunny D228
Mazz, Daniel D240
Hwangbo, Jae Yong D342
Creme, Rebecca Lee D346


Aug. 25th (Tuesday)

Grade 5 Homerooms

Teacher Room
Lindy Buckley C140
Nicola Shipley C141
Steven Fielke C147


MYP/DP Schedule FAQ’s…

Q: Why does my schedule say that my homeroom teacher is my Humanities teacher?

A: You are in two groups. One is your advisory, led by your advisor (duh!). The second is your “Study Group,” which is the group of people you see in your Humanities, PE, and some other classes (AKA: 6B or 10A, etc.). Veracross says your HR teacher is the Humanities teacher of your study group. This is basically a tiny glitch we cannot work around (yet). Think of it this way: You have at least two people who love you!

Q: Do I need to know which “Study Group” I’m in (6B, 10A, etc.)? 

A: YES! This is how we will line up at fire drills!

Q: Why do Grades 7-9 have one random, unscheduled blank in their schedules?

A: This is not random at all; it’s “Life 101” (formerly known as Lifeskills). Why is it blank? Who knows? Will is stay blank? Maybe. Does it matter (because you now totally get that this is your “Life 101” block)? Not really.


Keep those questions coming!



MYP/DP Assembly at 2:30pm Today in the PAC

Students: Remember that we will have a Welcome Assembly today at 2:30pm, sharp! Just leave your bags in you Block 5 class.

Teachers: Please bring your Block 5 classes to the PAC at 2:25 for a 2:30pm start.

Advisors: Please show your Advisees the new seating plan (linked below) and stand by your new row this afternoon. Once we work out where each advisory is sitting, that will be your spot for the year. This is practice for the “real thing” when we’ll have to take attendance quickly!


New MYP Seat Plan-1

TILT Skills today – PowerPoint Presentations – 1:00

These will be held in the Strategy Room (C115), starting at the beginning of Lunch, and run for about 30 minutes.
Friday, August 14 – Designing Presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint – Emily

Monday, August 17 – Creating and Sharing Documents in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Tuesday, August 18 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Wednesday, August 19 – Creating and Sharing Spreadsheets and Forms in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Thursday, August 20 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Friday, August 21 – Organizing your life with OneNote – Emily

We hope to see you there!

Any questions, let us know: tomjohnson or emilyjohnson

Language Acquisition

Should I let ELL/English B students talk in their native language in my classroom?

It depends! There are occasions where stronger students can quickly explain things in their home language to the less proficient – this frees the teacher from constantly needing to check. It is helpful if the lesson contains a number of natural breaks in which less proficient students can be helped to understand the important points made or task set, otherwise students have a tendency of giving simultaneous translations and this can be disruptive for the whole class. Discussing things in their home language will help students develop a deeper understanding of the topic.