Field Test

Hi Everyone,

We had a great turn out for the first field test for the ETC 2016! Thank you all for those who came and your feedback! There are 3 more field tests coming up in Week 11. It will be wonderful if you can come and support the awesome teachers who are sharing about their presentations.

Please let me know if you can come to any of the sessions. It will be helpful to know the numbers so I can prepare the materials.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.



Monday (10/26) Wednesday (10/28) Friday (10/30)
Making Things Better: Design Thinking in the Classroom Time Lapse Documenting:  Student film themselves to focus and reflect Cultivating Empathy in the Drama classroom
Location: 2nd Floor Design Center Location: 2nd Floor Design Center Location: Drama Classroom
Time: 2nd Lunch (1:20) Time: 2nd Lunch (1:20) Time : 2nd Lunch (1:20)