Year: 2015

Field Test

Hi Everyone,

We had a great turn out for the first field test for the ETC 2016! Thank you all for those who came and your feedback! There are 3 more field tests coming up in Week 11. It will be wonderful if you can come and support the awesome teachers who are sharing about their presentations.

Please let me know if you can come to any of the sessions. It will be helpful to know the numbers so I can prepare the materials.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.



Monday (10/26) Wednesday (10/28) Friday (10/30)
Making Things Better: Design Thinking in the Classroom Time Lapse Documenting:  Student film themselves to focus and reflect Cultivating Empathy in the Drama classroom
Location: 2nd Floor Design Center Location: 2nd Floor Design Center Location: Drama Classroom
Time: 2nd Lunch (1:20) Time: 2nd Lunch (1:20) Time : 2nd Lunch (1:20)


College and University Visits this week

A reminder that the following Colleges and Universities will be here this week:

Monday 19th (today)

9.00 Counsellor’s Office

Boston University

10.20 – 10.40 MYP LGR

Widener University, Western New England University, College of Saint Benedict/ Saint John’s University, University of La Verne,  Northern Kentucky University, Loyola University Chicago

Seminars scheduled 10.40-11.30

Wednesday 21st

12.50 Counsellor’s Office

Webster University, Netherlands


Language Acquisition

Each subject has its own specific writing strategies and genres.

ELL/English B (all students) have learnt to write from their English teachers, but they usually do not know how to apply these skills to other subjects. The “rules” of writing for different subjects need to be taught explicitly. Examples and templates are important reference tools.

Visitors to NIS

Good morning, NIS students,

This week we will have 4 visitors from three different agencies who will be getting to know our school better and meeting with a range of NIS staff members and students.  If you see them in the hallways, please make them feel welcome as always.   If you have any questions about the visit, please feel free to ask.

Mrs Tyoschin

It’s Back!

That’s right! Homework Club is a go for today (Monday)! Get over those “Discover China Week is finished” blues in style!

If you need help, a variety of teachers will be there to assist you on your assignments, help you prepare for assessments, and basically work with you on anything else you are confused about in the Learning Support area at 3:15.

Everyone is welcome!


Room Check for 3-Way Conference

3-way conference data for Nov. 4th has been generated in Veracross now. Please check if your room where the conference will take place is correct. If there is any change to the Room, please email

Here is how you check your 3-way conference schedule details including the ROOM:

1. Login Veracross Teacher Portal:

2. Under School Report, which is at right hand side of the portal page, at the bottom of the report list, please find and open “Teacher Conference Schedule“.

Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 8.40.11 AM

3. Your schedule will open in PDF. From the schedule, you will find your conference room at the third column.

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These containers were removed from the fridge in the Staff Lounge, emptied and washed. They are now waiting to be collected by their owners. If one or more of them belong to you please collect from the Staff Lounge.

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ETC 2016 & Field Testing

Dear All,

Attached is a flyer for the ETC 2016 coming up in March, 2016. Looks like an awesome list of wonderful speakers and workshop presenters! To make it even better, teachers at our school have also applied to present at ETC 2016! A part of the application process requires them to do a field test at school. In fact, the first field test is happening this Wednesday, October 14th during 2nd lunch. It will be great if you can come and listen to the presentation, and support your colleague.

On Week 11, there will be other field tests happening throughout the week. Please come and support your colleagues as they share about their presentations. I will send out a list of time and location soon!

Thanks so much!



Sit and Chat extra long during lunch this week!

In order to make duty times work during trip week, the G1-5 students need to stay in the cafeteria a little longer than usual after eating lunch. Please ask your students how they might stay seated and wait respectfully for the cue to leave from the supervising teachers. They will need to show some patience.

Thank you to Ms Neila and Ms Dorothy who will valiantly hold the cafeteria fort down until 12:55. Ms Eleanor, Ms Cherry, Ms Anna, Mr. Lockwood, Ms Debbie and Ms Jacqui W. will be ready for the second duty when the students file out of the cafeteria calmly and respectfully.

Pfrang Day Thanks

Very many thanks to everyone involved in helping to make Pfrang Day another successful event.  We couldn’t do it without you. Thanks to you, our students will continue to receive an education, giving them greater opportunity in the future.

Arden out of school

Good morning,

I will be out of school from today though all of next week on an accreditation visit. PYP Teachers – have an inspiring week on campus; MYP/DP – safe travels on your Discover China adventures.
