The Eco Sale will run on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes this week in the foyer. You can still buy bamboo straws, hand-made paper, bookmarks and pencils, gift cards and bags-for life.
New Teaching Assistant for Gr4B: Eva YANG
Ms. Eva Yang, new Teaching Assistant for Gr4B is starting today. Please make her feel welcome.
Annual Art Auction is coming!
Only 3 days remain to get your tickets to the annual Student Council Art Auction! This year’s event will be held on Thursday the 23rd of April, from 6:30 to 9:00 PM. We promise amazing pieces of art, warming hospitality as well as intense auctioning. Not only that, but all proceeds from the auction will go to the Amy Yang Fund. Art will be displayed in the front lobby starting this week. Tickets are available in the front lobby before and after school. 20RMB for adults and 10RMB for children. Prices will increase if purchased at the door on the day of the auction. DailyBulletin_ArtAuction
Arden out of school Monday-Tuesday
Good morning, I will be doing a consultation visit for a school in Shanghai today and Tuesday. See you Wednesday.
Have a great week,
SET minutes – April 14
Good morning,
Please see attached SET minutes from April 14.
Have a wonderful week,
FOUND – Wallet with money
A wallet with a significant amount of money was turned in last week. If you have lost a wallet, please come to my office to check with Samantha, or check with Sue Northcott in Admissions.
Mrs Tyoschin
Grade 8 Maths trip to Qixia Mountain
All three Grade 8 classes will be out of school during Blocks 1 to 4 on Tuesday April 21st as they will participating in a Maths trail at Qixia Mountain. At present the forecast is for showers so if we have to postpone the trip the wet weather alternative date will be Monday May 4th which is also a Day 4 so will only affect the teachers that have already been notified.
Bronwyn Hutton
Eco Sale
Remember to bring money on Monday lunchtime to the foyer to buy:
Recycled paper (you can decorate it too!) 5RMB
Recycled paper bookmarks 2RMB
Recycled paper pencils 5RMB
Bamboo drinking straws 5RMB
A bag-for-life (to paint) 30RMB
Set of 6 photo cards 30RMB
Again? Yes AGAIN! GAME DAY!!
That’s right, Game Day is back!! Fresh off of Spring Break we will be meeting in the Fish Bowl across from IT at the beginning of lunch (1:00 P.M.).
All the homework, projects and exams stressing you out? Game Day.
Do you want to beat some teachers and show them that you are a true Board Game Warrior? Game Day.
Do you have any questions? The answer will always be “Game Day.”
Play our games, bring your own, make up your own-whatever you need to do, we are there to play against you! Bring. It. On.
Annual Student Council Art Auction is approaching!
The annual student council art auction will take place on Thursday, April 23rd at 6pm. All the proceeds will be donated to the Amy Yang Fund. See the attached poster for more information.
– The Student Council
#PYPCHAT tonight – EAL in the PYP Classroom
Join us TONIGHT for a #pypchat about EAL/ESL in the PYP classroom. 7 pm. Add questions.
Chocolate for all!
Now that I have your attention, I can get down to business! There are not enough students in the Paper/4R Team to visit every room to empty the blue recycling boxes. If you are a class teacher, please organise your students to sort your paper (used on one side to reuse in the classroom/used on both sides to recycle) and to take it to the big painted 4R bins. Please remind your students not to put plastic and other non-paper rubbish in the paper recycling bins. Thanks for your cooperation.
The Paper Team
P.S. Sorry about the chocolate!
April Birthday Cupcakes Friday 17th
PTA will be giving out cupcakes at Morning Break on Friday to all April Birthdays.
iPad Q&A today @ 3:15
Calling all teachers/staff (PYP, MYP, DP). You are invited to an iPad Pilot Q&A on Wed. April 15 at 3:15 (in the Design Centre).
Please come and play the role of a parent as we run through our compressed interactive iPad workshop and Q&A session. We appreciate your help as we prepare for the Parent workshop which will run on April 18.
SET minutes – March 31
Dear Colleagues,
Please see the attached SET minutes from March 31.
Arden Tyoschin
Deputy Director – Learning
Nanjing International SchoolPh: +86 25 8589 9111 ext 1040
Fax: +86 25 8589 9222
NIS: An inclusive learning community,
inspiring international mindedness, personal excellence, creative thinking