Think back, way back, to when you were 10.

Can you tell a story about a challenge you had when you were about 10 years old? Or a challenge you have now?

We would like to invite you (yes, you) into the Grade 5 classes to tell your story.

Why? To create a culture of sharing. We all have challenges. They may look similar or different to the challenges of others. They may seem small. They may seem big.

How long should my story be? 5 minutes + 5 to 10 minutes of answering questions

When? Next week

The long story: The G5 students are beginning Exhibition where they will be identifying challenges, thinking about how to how people cope with challenges, systematically digging to the root of some challenges and empathising with or working towards changing their mental model of a challenge.

email: or chat with a Grade 5 teacher.