Add Default “Reply-To” Field to Your Email

If you want to always include “Reply-To:” information in the email you send, here is how to do it. Please note that this only works with Apple “” not “”.

  • You will find the “Reply-To Code” below. In the code, please replace “Email Address” with your own mail address, then copy and paste the whole code into “” (you can spotlight for it on your computer), then press “ENTER” to apply the action.
  • After around 10 seconds, you can close the “” window.
  • Now in all message you sent out, recipients can see “Reply-To:“.
  • With this action, “Reply-To” field on your message can be totally ignored, even thought it shows blank or not there. Your recipients can see it on their end.

Please check this code from Daily Bulletin website instead of your email. Thanks.

Code for Reply-To

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