Day: April 14, 2016

Grade 4 Swap Team

Some of the Grade 4 students started an organization to help people swap old items at Earth Hour. They managed to organize plenty of swaps, but because of the time limit, there are still some items left in the end. To make the activity sustainable, they would like to arrange another round in the school. Please share this information with your students.

What to bring: Books, toys, tools, stationery…everything you don’t want!

How: The items you bring will be changed into tickets according to their value and the tickets will be used for getting new items.

When: Collecting items – April 18th to April 22th (next Monday to Friday)

Swapping – April 25th to April 29th (the following Monday to Friday)

Where: In front of the main door

Eva Yang

Helpers for Charity Haircut (G8-10)

The Charity Hair cut is coming soon so we need some G8-10 students to help oversee the donation buckets in the Centre Foyer. There are places for students to help at the following times every school day over the next two weeks:  7.30 – 7.55am and 3.00-3.20pm.

If you sign-up please sign-up for at least three times. You can do more than three times if you wish. After signing up please be in the Centre at your signup time and Mr Underwood will show you what to do. The signup sheet is on the noticeboard outside the Activities Office.


Refrigerator in PYP LGR

The refrigerator closest to the outdoor window in the PYP LGR will be removed on Friday after school to be used over the weekend.

Please empty your items out of this fridge today. It will be back in the PYP LGR on Sunday. Thanks.

ACAMIS Badminton

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We are hosting the ACAMIS Badminton this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  All parents, teachers and students are welcome to come to the gym to support our players. At this link you will find details of the tournament including the schedule. The results page will be updated regularly through the tournament. Website homepage:

Trashbusters will be starting on Thursday (G8-10)

The perennial favourite, Trashbusters (G8-10) will begin on Thursday. If you are interested in a little exercise with environmental and “Bursting the Bubble” characteristics please email me so I can put you on the list. Who are you gonna call? Trashbusters, that’s who!