Day: April 27, 2016

The haircut has moved (again) to Tuesday

Hi.  It would seem we have a holiday on Monday so we will do the haircut on Tuesday out by the field.  We will announce the ‘winner’ at 12:50 at the podium by the field.  We will only be collecting money at break and lunchtime on Thursday and at break on Tuesday (that will be the last chance to vote).

The results so far are:

Noah: 1078 rmb

Mr Fischl: 765 rmb

Ms Creme: 759 rmb

Felicity: 410 rmb

Sophie: 375 rmb

Organic Garden Sale

It is that time of the year for the Green Team’s fresh organic vegetable sale.  With the development of the green house we are able to provide our vegetables earlier this year earlier than ever.

Please keep an eye out in the center lobby for our vegetable cart.  Prices for veggies may range from 5 RMB – 10 RMB.  We will also have plant starts available for sale for 5 RMB.

What: Fresh Organic Vegetables including but not limited to: Kale, Spinach, Lettuces, Salad mixes, arugula (or rocket), Swiss Chard, Beets & their Leaves, Garlic and more!

When: Every Wednesday at 4:00 PM, weather permitting.

Where: Center Foyer


About cancellation the Bank of Jiangsu (BOJ) Card

Below is from the BOJ for your information, about cancellation of  BOJ Card:


Our foreign staff need take passport, expert certificate and the bank card(&bank book if you had originally), to the BOJ Headquarter counter, to cancel the BOJ card.

Our Chinese staff could go to any BOJ in Nanjing for the cancellation,  with ID card, and the bank card(&bank book if you had originally) .

No appointment needed.


If want to have the bank statement with the BOJ stamp for past 1 year, please ask for it before the cancellation of the bank card. (It’s up to you if you want the bank statement, or how many copies for records.)


If  the BOJ card or bank book was lost, replacement is needed before the cancellation. The replacement cost about 3 working days.


The BOJ Headquarter address is following:

Bank of Jiangsu Headquarters Mansion, 26 Zhong Hua Lu


Google Map Direction for the new BOJ address 屏幕快照 2015-09-01 上午9.18.49


Lost My Beloved Swiss Army Knife

On Tuesday at lunch I left my Swiss Army Knife on a table upstairs in the cafeteria. If you found it, I would be grateful to have it back. Thank you. Mr. Rinker, Room C128

Inter-house Theatresports! The battle begins….

Anyone interested in performing in this year’s inter-house Theatresports competition please come to a meeting today (Thursday) during morning break in the Black Box.

House captains must attend to help get your teams organized.

See you at 10:20!

Contact Mr Brown or Ms Philip if you have any questions.

Sports Trips next week

Two sports trips will be going out next week. SCISAC Basketball (Gr6 – 9), will go out of school from break time on Thursday 5th, through to Sunday 8th and ACAMIS Track will go out before school on Friday 6th to Sunday 8th. The attached lists of players will be missing lessons at these times. Thanks for your continued support.

SCISAC BBall Trip List 2016

Track Team List 2016