Day: September 28, 2016

New Books for MYP/DP



MYP/DP Students-

Be sure to stop by the library before the break to get a good book for the holidays!

Check out the new books that arrived as well as the new eBook titles on Overdrive.

Hope to see you in the library-

Books for the Break!



Teachers and Staff-

Be sure to stop by the library to pick up a good book for the break!

We have received some new, award-winning nonfiction and there is a display at the back with some recommended fiction titles.

Hope to see you in the library.

Learning Alchemist Environment

Learning Alchemists Environment
Thursday, September 29
in the Strategy Room at Lunch
we will read a rebuttal article to the previous viewpoint.
Please remember, you can drop in and leave any time. 

Contact: Tom Johnson for more details

Article for Sept 29

Past Articles

Grade 5 studying collaboration

Some of you who are group or team leaders  may get an email from Grade 5 students asking your opinion on team or group skills.

If the emails are not clear, please feel free to say so! Email writing is also a skill! Thank you for participating if you are willing to do so. Grade 5 all know that you are busy people!

TODAY Yearbook Mugshots

Individual (mugshot) photos of all students/staff will be taken today in room C128 (Mr. Rinker’s old design room near Pre-K). Please look at the schedule for your grade level photo time.


Middle and Upper School Teachers: Claim Your Prize!

Hello All,

The Learning Spaces redesign is in full swing in D208 and D340. All the goodies hiding in the cupboards in these room have made their way to my office! Please see the attached picture and claim away. Anything left on Friday at 3pm will be repurposed. Thanks!
