Day: September 29, 2016

A riddle for you:

What rhymes with sgame sday and is super duper incredibly AWESOME?
Game Day!

Come to the Game Room during the first half of lunch to play some AWESOME games! All teachers and grade 6-12 students are invited.

MAP data

If you are interested in looking at the MAP data for your students you can ‘view reports’ on the login portal. For advice about what is available and how to use it there are also video tutorials when you login: MAP essentials online training which are short and sweet and very helpful. In addition the NWEA website has loads of information about how to use the data. More to come…

Library first half of lunch

The library is a space used by all of us. In the library we can research, read, or do some work. However MYP students are abusing this space and are using it to hangout during first half of lunch. This becomes critical in days like yesterday when it is raining outside. If it is raining (or on high pollution days) it is ok to go upstairs in the cafeteria during first half of lunch. Please do not go to the library unless you have some work, reading or research to do. Computer games are not allowed in the library at all, we have a different space in school for this.

Mess in the cafe

G10 in particular are letting us down by leaving the cafe in a terrible state at the end of lunch. A reminder to clean after yourself and remind others to clean after themselves. Visiting the cafe at lunch is a privilege I can easily take away from G10s. You have been warned!


Goodbye Paper Coffee Cups

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Refuse… the 4Rs… all achieved through the removal of paper coffee cups in the Cafe. Bring your own cup for your hot drinks in the Cafe and help the environment.


If you buy a Delimarche mug for 20rmb you can then get 1rmb off the price of your hot drink.
