Day: November 16, 2016

PYP Open Mic Performers

Can teachers please remind the following students to come to the library after eating lunch for their Open Mic performance.

Please also encourage students to come as audience members.

Julie 3B

Will 4A

Khai 3C

Juhyun 1C

Emily and Rose 3C

Nahee and Seoyeon 3B

Mackenzie 2B

Please note and remind students;

  • the library will be available ONLY to the Open Mic audience from 1:10- 1:30 tomorrow during the performances
  • students need to either choose to be a part of the audience or play outside
  • after the performance they may come back in to read

ZZK is in the House!

Hello Middle and Upper School Poets!

Our visiting poet extraordinaire , Zohab Zee Khan, is in the building today with his one-of-a-kind slam-poet stylings! Every student in Grades 6-11 will be the recipient of an intensive 2-hour workshop and an assembly experience on Friday. Get ready to experience what courageous communication is all about! Starting today with Grade 10 in the morning (Blocks 1+2) and Grade 6 (Blocks 3+4). All sessions in the Black Box theatre. See the attached schedule for details!


