Year: 2016

MYP/DP Assembly on Friday

Will there be celebration? Yes.

Will there be education? Yes.

Will there be humiliation? Yes.

Will there be Pi?  Oh yes.

See you there, 7:59 sharp. Bags in lockers.

INSET Survey

Dear Colleagues,

Please click on the link below to provide feedback on our February INSET.  Please complete the survey by Tuesday, March 15.

Thank you very much,



Music ASAs Continue

The ASA cycle is ending this week. However, because music clubs prepare for performances regardless of the ASA schedule, Miss Keus’ clubs will continue on as usual. Therefore, next week, we will still have practices for:

  • Rock bands (for Earth Hour)
  • Beginner Band (Mondays)
  • Senior Band (Wednesdays)
  • MYP Choir (Fridays)

International Day Helpers (G8-11)

Two Grade 8-11 students are required to help with registration of people attending International Day on Sat 12th. You will be needed to help from 12,.00 to 1.00pm. Please email me if you willing to do this.


On your Mark, get Set, Cook MYP Edition Block 5 Today!

Hello 6-8th Graders,

Are you ready to cook! On Wednesday during Block 5 you will participate in a cooking activity with a celebrity chef from the UK! All you need to do is report to the PAC after lunch on Wednesday and be ready for some fun! You WILL NOT have your regularly scheduled Block 5 class on this day!

See you soon!

Game On!

Game Day is coming this Friday from 1-2, don’t forget!

ALL students Grade 6 to Grade 12 are invited AND encouraged to come play! Board games, card games, number games, trivia games, and any other type of game you can think of can and will be played.

Let me ( know if you’d like to help! (C&S/CAS?)

Game On!

Burst the Bubble – Xianlin Primary School

Xianlin Primary school has made an initial contact with us about doing some activities together. I don’t have details of any particular activities but if you  are interested in Bursting the Bubble and you have some ideas about what we could do with them please contact me. When I get some ideas together I will talk more with them.

On your Mark, get Set, Cook! MYP Edition 6-8

Hello 6-8th Graders,

Are you ready to cook! On Wednesday during Block 5 you will participate in a cooking activity with a celebrity chef from the UK! All you need to do is report to the PAC after lunch on Wednesday and be ready for some fun! You WILL NOT have your regularly scheduled Block 5 class on this day!

See you then!


Transmission 2.90 Ransomware

If you are running Transmission 2.90 on your computer, you could be infected with Ransomware. If you think this is the case with your computer email or drop by ICT. You can find the version number of your software by selecting the Application and typing Command-I

New OS X Ransomware KeRanger Infected Transmission BitTorrent Client Installer
On March 4, Palo Alto Networks detected that the Transmission BitTorrent client installer for OS X was infected with ransomware, just a few hours after installers were initially posted. We have named this Ransomware “KeRanger.”
If a user installs the infected apps, an embedded executable file is run on the system. KeRanger then waits for three days before connecting with command and control (C2) servers over the Tor anonymizer network. The malware then begins encrypting certain types of document and data files on the system. After completing the encryption process, KeRanger demands that victims pay one bitcoin (about $400) to a specific address to retrieve their files. Additionally, KeRanger appears to still be under active development and it seems the malware is also attempting to encrypt Time Machine backup files to prevent victims from recovering their back-up data.


ACAMIS Swim Trip

Please find the attached list of students who will be absent from school @ 3:15pm on Thursday March 17th and Friday March 18th for the ACAMIS Swim Meet in Suzhou.  They will miss Day 3. Thanks for your understanding.

ACAMIS Swim Trip list

Say it ain’t so!

Game Day is Back!

This Friday Game Day is making it’s triumphant return. Do you like to play cards, Jenga, Uno, Spoons…etc? This is the ultimate opportunity!

From 1:00-2:00 Game Day will take place in the LSS area (around the corner from the theatre). Bring your lunch (packed, not school bought) and hang out. Bring a game, play ours, or make up a game!

Everyone is welcome. If you’re interested in leading Game Day (C&S/CAS?) please let me ( know.

Game. On.

Missing Drumstick Bag

A drumstick bag has disappeared in the music suite. It contains two pairs of Vic Firth drumsticks. If you have any information, please see Miss Keus (or leave them anonymously on her desk in the music room – Their owner will thank you!). Thanks.
