Dear Students in Grades 7,8,9 and 10…
A reminder that today you will be taking the International Schools Assessment (ISA) Writing Tests online. This is where you need to be and when:
Grade 10: Block 1 and 2
10A – Ms Keus M252, 10B – Mr Orteza D343, 10C – Mr Newman D203
Grade 9: Blocks 3 and 4
9A: Mr Joyce Design Centre, 9B: Ms Ryan D347, 9C:Mr Marsh Design Centre
Grade 8: Block 5 (and Block 1 on Thursday 23rd)
8A – Mr Messom D240, 8B – Mr Orteza D343
Grade 7: Block 5 (and Block 2 on Thursday 23rd)
7A – Ms Snyder D215, 7B – Ms O’Brien D210, 7C – Mr Snyder D212
You will need fully charged computers as the test is ONLINE