Day: May 9, 2017

Music Evening

Many thanks to everyone who participated in, and attended, the big Music Evening last year. It’s the biggest night of the year for the Music department, and we were so happy to have such a big, supportive audience. All the musicians worked really hard to get ready, and were such a pleasure with which to work.

We already said our thank yous last night, but I’d like to add a special thanks to the new Performing Arts Council, who made the night so much easier in many different ways. You guys had so many good ideas, that I’m going to put them in our reflections for next year.

Mother’s Day cards on sale Wednesday

Mother’s Day Cards on sale for Amy Yang and Ray of Light

?Amy Yang Fund and Ray of Light are selling Mothers Day Cards?

Handmade by G5 students.

At break, lunch & after school outside the library TODAY WEDNESDAY

All proceeds go to Amy Yang and R of L

See Lou Fells and Amy Childers for more details


Q: What do you call a magic dog?

Please come to Homework Club today from 3:15-4:15 in the LSS Area if you need help or time to:
-Prepare for exams
-Finish projects
-Finish homework
-Organize yourself
-do anything else that is school related

Please remember, exams begin NEXT WEEK!

A: A Labracadabrador

Lost anything?

Dear Everyone, I have a growing collection of keys, money, phones, head phones, wallets, glasses and much much more in my office B152. Here is a small selection… do you recognise any of it? Come and see me to be reunited with your valuables…

OWC & Cigna monthly visit on May 24, 2017 (10:15 ~ 15:00 @ H303 Centre)

Dear overseas staff,

Please be informed that the OWC & Cigna monthly visit is on May 24, 2017 (10:15 ~ 15:00 @ H303 Centre). This is the last visit of this school year.

Best wishes,

Clara Xi
HR Assistant
Nanjing International School
Tel: +86 25 85899111*3060 / Fax: +86 25 85899222