C&S/CAS Opportunities Gr 9 – 12
There are still lots of vacancies in the Athletics program for Student Assistant coaches. If you are in Gr 9 – 12 and enjoy a sport, why not use your knowledge to help our younger students and achieve some C&S or CAS outcomes at the same time? Speak to Mr Clarke if you are interested.
A big “THANK YOU!” to everyone involved in covering the 30 of us in the Responsive Classroom session yesterday. It was a great day of professional learning and certainly met our goal of giving us the tools to better support our students and creating commonality within our wonderful K-12 learning community. We are fortunate to work in a place where we step us to support one another in this (and many other) ways. Thanks again!
Sit with your Advisory at Assembly Tomorrow
Hello MS/US Rockstars,
Please SIT IN YOUR ADVISORY GROUPS in tomorrow’s assembly.
See you there by 7:59am tomorrow!