Attached list of 20 students will be absent from school on Thursday January 11th and Friday January 12th for ACAMIS Basketball competition in Beijing.ACAMIS Basketball trip-1wdr84b
Become Courageous – Week 18
How might we create opportunities for the NIS community to be courageous?
In week 18, a stage environment in front of the library will have the following play/experiment/learn items:
- Monday – Hula Hoops
- Tuesday – Simple DJ equipment
- Wednesday – Juggling Balls
- Thursday – Art Easels and Supplies
- Friday – Piano
Courageous learners and creators are invited to enjoy and interact with any articles on the stage.
They will be filmed with the purpose for review by the prototype team to see if activities should be scaled or ditched.
This prototype is inspired by Sugata Mitra’s 1999 Hole in the Wall experiment.
Computers were placed in a slum in Kalkaji, Delhi to enable
unsupervised access, informal, public, self-guided and collaborative work
to synergize through creative and courageous play.
The Courageous Prototype Team
G11 & 12 Lounge
It is not nice to see a fantastic initiative of festive decorations ruined by careless people leaving their mess around. Yesterday I had to clean the mess left in the lounge at the end of the day. This is a reminder that your exit privileges at lunch can be lost. G11 & 12 are not allowed to bring food from outside into the lounge (or the school!). The reason is simple we have a no nuts policy and you cannot guaranty the food you purchase outside is nut free. So NO MacDonald’s or fried rice or any food from outside please. If you are using plates and cutlery from the cafeteria please return them.
For your information, the graffiti wall will be cleaned over the holidays.
MS/US Friday Activities Sign-Up Today!
Hello All MS/US Superstars,
Please see the linked sign-up sheet to see what’s on offer for our annual Friday-before-the-break activities. Your Advisory MUST sign-up for activitie(s), since Advisors are the ones running them!
Sign-up’s have already begun on the glass outside Mr. Bratton’s office and continue through Thursday at 8:15am. First come, first served!
Please remember to decide and sign-up BY ADVISORY.
Get down here!