Day: February 23, 2018

Exhibition 2018 – Sharing the Planet

Grade 5 are looking for mentors!

  • The role of the mentor is chiefly to advise and keep students on track.
  • There should be regular meetings. For the most part we would like mentor meetings to happen during UOI time, in the grade 5 classrooms.
  • Offer advice on locating resources and using them efficiently.
  • Ask questions (i.e. to clarify thinking, to help with processing information, to extend knowledge etc.)
  • Help interpret sophisticated/difficult information.
  • Facilitate interviews, telephone calls, any electronic communication.
  • Goal setting and time management advice.
  • Be supportive and encouraging.
  • Celebrate achievements and successes with the students.

Please email any of the grade 5 teachers if you are willing to be a part of this exciting journey! Information meeting Thursday 8th March at 3:15.

annual report

Dear all,

Pls find a copy of annual report in your pigeon hole. Enjoy reading.



An Evening with the Office (365)

In an effort to bring you training in a different way, we would like to gauge interest in short, focused evening tech workshops. The format of the workshop will be 15-20 minutes of instruction, after which you can choose to stay and practice with guided help on the side, but by no means required to stay for the full hour. With light snacks and drinks on offer, we want to make it as informal and comfortable as possible for all learners. Please fill in the form below to let us know the level of interest in this as well as potential dates and times for the event. Once we know the level of interest we will get back to you with the venue, dates and times!

Thanks and we hope to hear from you!

Your friendly IT Department