Day: March 1, 2018

Flu Season Continues

According to the Jiangsu Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu activity continues at a high level in the future period. There is a larger proportion of H1N1 viruses than influenza B being detected. Being aware of the flu symptoms such as persistent high fever, vomiting or diarrhea is important. In addition to flu shots, we should take the following everyday prevention actions against flu.×11.pdf

All students and staff must remain at home 24 hours after their fever is gone, without the use of a fever-reducing medicine. A fever is defined as 100°F (37.8°C) or higher.


Please see me if you have any questions,

Nurse Ellen

Life 101 Today Thursday, March 1


8A:  See your email.  You are split with 8B and 8C

8B in D340

8C in Black Box

Grade 9: Drama Classroom

Grade 10: Above the Cafeteria

Grade 11:  Large Music Room

Grade 12:  Preparation for Mock Exams!