Day: May 28, 2018

Changing Room Notice

Dear All

Kindly be reminded that we are going to clean the fitness lockers again on Thursday 31th May from 21:00-21:300.

Please do not leave your personal belongings in the lockers, and remember to return the key back to the front desk when you have finished exercising.

Any unclaimed items will be put in the Lost Property cupboards near the IT Offices,

Thanks for your cooperation!

Arek Owczarek

All Grade 9 Students – IDU Launch!

Dear Grade 9 students,

Please assemble in the MS/US LGR Wednesday morning straight after advisory (May 30th) for an introduction to your upcoming IDU. Timetabled teachers could you please escort your classes over. This introductory session should go no longer than 30 minutes. Any teachers who are not timetabled on during B1 Wednesday you are most welcome to join us! See you then!


Grade 9/10 Dance

Thank you to the teachers who have already volunteered!  The PTA is still looking for 1-2 more teachers to help supervise the Grade 9/10 dance on Friday, June 1st from 7:00-9:00pm in the Black Box.  Let me know if you can help out.