Year: 2018

ACAMIS Cultural Convention@NIS

The Exciting ACAMIS Cultural Convention will be held at NIS on March 9th and 10th.  There will be  9 workshops and G6-11 can choose to attend one workshop. The Workshops are:

  1. Printmaking
  2. Orchestra / Band
  3. Choir
  4. Martial Arts
  5. Hip Hop Dance
  6. Photography
  7. Devised Drama
  8. Science and Technology
  9. Game Design and Programming

Please email me your first choice and your second choice of workshops.

The Convention will be held on March 9 and 10 MS/HS students can signup for one workshop. There are limited places available for NIS students and there is a cost of 700rmb for NIS students that will need to be paid by Jan 17th. More information about workshops is in attached poster and also at the Convention website.

Contact me or Ms Keus if you have any questions.


Service Opportunity for Grades 6-11 – Swim Meet Helper

SEMESTER 2 Service Learning opportunity (Grades 6-11)
Do you want to be ‘in the action’ as a member of an Event Crew team?
Would you like to learn how to communicate with others or to take on the skills of a leader, especially when the heat is on?!
The NIS SSL Event Crew needs you! go to your Veracross page and click CAS and Service Signup link, then register in the time slot you want to help. details. Genuine excitement and learning is guaranteed?

Event Day ONE: Saturday 20 January
Option ONE: 9:00 to 13:30
Option TWO: 13:30 to 18:00

Event Day TWO: Sunday 21 January
Option THREE: 9:00 to 13:30

Please call by the pool office if you have more questions



Happy veg back in school Wed 15th August

Happy veg from Mr Gu back here on 15th August and Wednesdays thereafter

As many of your know – Mr Gu comes into school every Wednesday with his delicious veg.He will be here on Wednesday 15th August.

Do go along and talk to him about his project in the south of Nanjing. He is a very interesting man and your students may be interested too in finding out more about his farming methods.

If you cannot get to see him on Wednesdays between 2.30 and 3.30pm  you can Wechat him. See below for more information.

“Time Farm is a permaculture organic farm. Until 2017 we have been practising permaculture for 5 years. Permaculture is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability and resilience of nature ecosystems. Permaculture design is a system of assembling conceptual, material, and strategic components in a pattern which functions to benefit life in all its forms. The philosophy behind permaculture is working with, rather than against , nature. There is NO chemical fertilizer, GMO, pesticide, or herbicide used inside the farm. We collect rain water for irrigation. Water from nearby pond is purified by a constructed wetland before watering plants. More detail can be found at our website

I will bring some fresh seasonal vegetables (potatoes, carrots, green beans, green lettuce and bokchoy,etc) for onsite sale at NIS on Wednesdays from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Welcome to join us.

You can also order through wechat. Our wechat ID is Timefarm. Every Wednesday afternoon on school days I will delivery your orders to NIS for your pickup”

Inta hawse speling competision for G6-8 and G9-12

Spelling enthusiasts,

This Friday, 12th January, the inter house spelling competition will take place at lunch time.  Your house needs 2 boys and 2 girls from G6-8 and 2 boys and 2 girls from G9-12.  If you think you have got what it take to help your house win, then please contact your house captains and/or leader by Thursday.

Cindy’s Back! (Sort of…)

Welcome back!

You may see Cindy back in her office and around campus today and for the rest of this week. However, she has only returned to help us with ensuring the accurate submittal and processing of reports in Veracross. Any queries/comments about Reports need to have the respective building-level principal CC’ed and can be sent directly to myself and Cindy.

Any Veracross and all other requests not related to Semester 1 reports/reporting should still be directed to and we will take care of them. It is important that this process be used so that Xia, York, Eric, Cassie and I can continue to support you on a daily basis.

Thank you,

Joe and the IT Team

ISTA Middle School Theatre Festival Hong Kong

Are you passionate about drama? Do you love the sound of 3 days in Hong Kong creating theatre and performing with similar aged students from all over Asia? Are you in Grade 6, 7 or 8? If the answer is ‘YES’ to these questions then you are a very lucky person!

This year’s ISTA Middle School Festival will be in Hong Kong from the 12th and 15th April.

If you are in Grade 6-8 and are excited about this then you need to come to a meeting during Wednesday 10th January lunch at 12:55 in the Black Box to find out more information. Or see Mr Brown anytime!

Cindy’s Back! (Sort of…)

Welcome back!

You may see Cindy back in her office and around campus today and for the rest of this week. However, she has only returned to help us with ensuring the accurate submittal and processing of reports in Veracross. Any queries/comments about Reports need to have the respective building-level principal CC’ed and can be sent directly to myself and Cindy.

Any Veracross and all other requests not related to Semester 1 reports/reporting should still be directed to and we will take care of them. It is important that this process be used so that Xia, York, Eric, Cassie and I can continue to support you on a daily basis.

Thank you,

Joe and the IT Team

ISTA Middle School Theatre Festival hong Kong

Are you passionate about drama? Do you love the sound of 3 days in Hong Kong creating theatre and performing with similar aged students from all over Asia? Are you in Grade 6, 7 or 8? If the answer is ‘YES’ to these questions then you are a very lucky person!

This year’s ISTA Middle School Festival will be in Hong Kong from the 12th and 15th April.

If you are in Grade 6-8 and are excited about this then you need to come to a meeting during Wednesday 10th January lunch at 12:55 in the Black Box to find out more information. Or see Mr Brown anytime!

Homework Club

Homework Club will be up and running every Monday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:15 in the Learning Support area (C142). Teachers will be there ready to help with anything school related (Managbac, homework, studying, projects). All students grades 6-12 are invited to attend. HOMEWORK CLUB poster final 2-2avlww9

Neila to do Yoga Class on Monday 8th Jan at 4.30pm

Neila, Andy and the boys will be in Xianlin for a few days from 7th Jan en route back to Saudi.
We will arrange a get together at Potato Pub for people to drop by and say Hi.

Watch this space for more info….

In the meantime Neila will be leading a yoga class on Monday afternoon for anyone who would like to attend on the 3rd floor of the Centre at 4.30pm – for an hour.

Do come along – everyone is welcome!


All Americans invited to US Consulate visit on 20th Jan at 2pm in town

This is a reminder to RSVP for the upcoming Jiangsu American Citizen Community Fair in Nanjing on January 20th at 2:00pm. The gathering is hosted by the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai and will give American citizens living in Jiangsu province an opportunity to meet the U.S. Consul General, Sean Stein, and learn more about consular services, including passport renewals, Consular Reports of Birth Abroad (CRBAs), notarial services, emergency preparedness, and more.

The event is for U.S. citizens and their immediate family members only; advance registration is required. Additional details will be provided to those who RSVP by the deadline, January 8th. Please email to reserve your spot at this event. And please feel free to share the attached invitational flyer with other U.S. citizens in the community who may also be interested in attending.

Kind Regards,

The Jiangsu ACCF Team